Chapter 11: "Her name is Shizuko Uchiha."

Start from the beginning

"The war will be over once the Senju eliminate the Uchiha!" Father yelled putting his fist in the air causing the clansmen to cheer.

I know that this isn't the right thing to do... Why father?

Madara's P.O.V

"Madara!" Shizuko ran into my arms, hugging me.

"How has your day been Shizuko?" I asked her as we sat in her room.  For the past month, I've been preparing for the assassination mission.  I'm leaving tonight.  I can't fail.

"Horrible as usual. Mother and father will never let me out!" Shizuko had black silky hair, black eyes, and pale skin. She was beautiful.

"What?" She asked confused as I stared at her.

"You are really beautiful." She started to blush.

"Stop it Madara!" She said giggling.

"Let's go out." I said and her eyes widened.

"Mother and fat-"

"They don't have to know. It will be our little secret." She was silent for a bit.

"Madara!!!" She tackled me down and hugged me.


"I'm really thankful!" She said smiling.

Yoshima's P.O.V

After that announcement in the courtyard, I was walking around the area of the clan's houses.

Madara dying? Father can't be serious. Maybe I can talk to him about an agreement! I doubt it will work...

"I'm so sorry!" A voice said as I fell to the ground.

"Princess Yoshima! I'm so sorry!" I looked up to see a brown haired boy with brown eyes.

"It's fine!" I said getting up and dusting my clothes.

"I'm Haru Senju!" He said with a smile.

"Another child in the Senju clan?" I said confused.

"There's a bunch!"


"Yeah! Do you want to see them?"

"Umm... Sure."


I was shocked. There are other children in the Senju clan?! I'm pretty stupid for not thinking about that at all.

"Thank you..." I said and Haru started to blush. He had walked me to the main household.

"I didn't do anything! There's no reason to say thank you princess!" He said embarrassed.

"You opened my eyes, and call me Yoshima. Not princess." I said with a light smile.

"O-Okay!" He smiled.

I waved at him and he waved back.

I entered the household meeting Tobirama.

"You made a new friend?" He asked.

"I think so. Tobirama, did you know there are other children in the Senju clan."

"Yes of course! Even with your seclusion you should've known that. They are sent to the front lines."

"What?" I said with my eyes wide.

"That's just how life goes." Tobirama said.

"It shouldn't go like that." I said angry. I'm going to give father a piece of my mind.


"Father!  You put more children on the front lines?!" I asked as I stormed into the room.
"Who told you this?" He sighed.
"Tobirama!  You can't be doing such a thing!"
Father was getting angry, "They are warriors fighting for the clan!  They'll always be."
"Children shouldn't be sent!"
"What can I do Yoshima?!"
"Make an agreement with the Uchiha!" I yelled and father laughed.
"An agreement?  With the Uchiha?  Are you trying to show we are weak?"
"It's best for the clan's future."
"You received some freedom and you apparently know all about the world?"
I stayed silent..  I was terrified, yet confident in my words.
"Or is it that, you don't want Madara to die?" He said.
I stayed silent, frowned, and blushed.

Father slapped me across the face.

"How dare you have feelings for him?!" He said and I felt tears stingy my eyes.
"Father stop!" Tobirama said running into the room.
"Yoshima, you'll never see Madara again.  He left you!  He's the enemy!  Why don't you understand anything!" He yelled.

"Yoshima, I have no choice, but to do this...  You'll never see Madara again.  You are having an arranged marriage." He said leaving the room as tears streamed down my face.

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