Hell Broke Loose..

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You sup my homie I got some more musics for all you creatures I have no idea why I sound so ghetto, don't ask.

-Chris's POV-
I was thinking about what ghost said yesterday, God damnit I always think in the shower..
I sighed and ringed my hair off, I stepped out the shower and stared into space.

Flashbacks hit my mind as I stared into the bathroom mirror,
I hadn't realised I was crying until a tear dropped onto my hand,
I need to see her, I need her, even if it's the last time, I just gotta hear her voice one last time,
Just one more time,

-Kane's POV-
"Hey man" I said shaking The guys hand,
"Listen I need something to use that will make her totally unaware what's going on" I said to the guy
"Well.we do have this drug, shipped from Brazil," said the guy with a black mask on,
"And what does it do?"
"The side affects are blurry vision, dizziness,weakness, stomach aches, nose bleeds and bleeding gums" he said reading the label,
"Perfect, how much?"
"You can get the extra strong stuff, it lasts up to 8 hours it costs $300 or the normal stuff is $115 it lasts for just 2 hours" said the guy
"I'll take the extra strong" I grinned


-Emily's POV-
I lay in the ground calm and motionless, I got my vision back, I am watching the sun go down,
I'm freezing, constantly shivering, everytime the wind hits the door I shoot up thinking its Kane,
I lifted my muddy damp and ripped shirt to see my rib cage and hip bones,
Only reason Kane comes in anymore is to use me, I lie curled up in the corner after each episode,
He is rough,mi go through extreme pain for his pleasure,
And it's killing me,
I sat up and puked, stomach acid burned my throat as I did so,
Atleast I get that awful drug out of my system
I lay back and thought of Chris, damn I want him back, I need him here,

The door swung open, it was Kane,
"Got you another gift for you gorgeous, you might not like it but I will" he grinned
He grabbed my arm and stuck a needle in it injecting some more substances into my veins,
He did the same to my neck, I intently felt sick, my head was spinning.
Oh god not again,
I passed out,


I awoke being on the ground Kane on top of me, my hips and thighs in agony,
"Stop please!!! I can't see!!!" I cried trying to get him off of me.
He grunted and let go of me,
I was shaking with anxiety, he uses protection atleast. But I'm still mentally and physically on pain,
I put my bra and underwear back on shakingly and fell back as my legs gave in,
I lay curled up in the corner crying loudly,
The door opened again,
"Shit the fuck up I'm trying to sleep you whore!" Yelled Kane hitting me and beating me,
Cuts and scratches spread across my back like a painting,
The bruises formed,mans my knees began to shake, also with my hands.
He punched me in the stomach and grew me to the floor,and slammed the door,
I stared into space, I was so motionless that I didn't even blink.

-Chris's POV-
I knocked on Emily's door,
That guy answered,
"Hey I needed to talk to Emily can I come in?" I asked
"She is out" he said bluntly,
"At this time of night? It's 10 o clock and it's dark outside" I said
"She has gone out with some friends"
"Emily doesn't have any friends" I said crossing my arms and stepping inside,
"Times have changed, now that she is with me, I let her have a social life" he replied
"Oh so you knew me and Emily went out all along" I said
"She told me, she told me how much she hated being with you" he grinned
I swallowed his words,
"Just let me talk to her and I'll be out of your lives forever" I said
"Get out of this house before I get angry" he spat,
"Fine" I grunted,
I walked out and made it clear that I was gone, oh but I wasn't,I'm sat in my car parked just up the road waiting for my chance.

About half an hour passed and I saw him leave the house, he locked the door, the house seemed empty
Maybe Emily was out,
I decided to follow him,
We ended up in a dark abandoned car park,
I got out the car and followed him to what was the black market,
Oh so we have a drug addict do we? Wait till Emily finds out,
I noticed a guy hiding behind his car, he looked like a business man,
He snuck to me,
"Y..your not one of them are you" he whispered,
"No, I am spying on my ex girls boyfriend" I said
"Oh that sucks man,"
"Why are we hiding?"
"If they see us, we are fucked, they don't want anyone to see what they are doing cause it's illegal and could get into trouble,"
"Oh" I nodded
"Ahh it's that Chris guy" said a guy,
I jumped and turned around to see Mark,
"And you!" He yelled pointing the business man,
"You two have been spying on us you b*stards!" He yelled,
"Guys!!!" Yelled Mark,
A bunch of people with black masks surrounded us with guns and hand knives,
Hell broke loose and everyone started fighting,
The business man was shot almost instantly,
I hesitated and ran towards him,

-Kane's POV-
"It's alright, I'll take care of this faggot" I grinned,
The guys walked away and continued to work,
I got out a knife and walked to where Chris had ran to,
He lay on the ground with his eyes closed, his shirt soaked in blood, he wasn't moving,
I checked if he was breathing,
He wasn't,
One of my men must have shot the ugly foul satanist already,
I grinned and headed home,

I opened the door to the shed, Emily lay curled up in the corner,
"Hey Emily" I said
She turned and sat up slowly,
I could tell the drug was affecting her movement and eyesight,
"How much do you love Chris?"
"With all my heart" he said weakly,
"Well too bad, he is dead" I grinned
She covered her had over her mouth and began to shake and sob,
"H..how" she cried,
"One of my men shot him dead, the only one left in the world for you is me, and me only, you now have no one to love but me, and now no one can get in my way" I grinned
"I would never ever love you!" She cried
"Aww too bad, I don't care, however I ever do hate to see that unhappy sad little face of yours, so how about a new smile, I only need to make a couple adjustments" I grinned taking out my knife,
"I'm not your puppet!!!!!" She sobbed,
I then her a piece of stale bread and slammed the door,
I could hear her sob louder.
"Kill me!!!!!,"
"Kill me!!!"
I heard her scream from the shed as I walked back inside,
I grinned, I'm gonna have some fun with this girl,
I wouldn't mind killing her and I wouldn't have to hear her cry constantly, but I think I should keep her alive for a while,

Uh oh... Chris is dead.
Whoops. Or is he? Dunno? He wasn't breathing and covered in blood, but it's Chris,
Chris can't die, can he?
Comment what you think,
Anyways I'm gonna go,
Sorry the action in the chapter was crappy,
I did the best I could and I ain't fully satisfied but let's see what happens in the next chapter..
If there is one ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ok I'll shut the fuck up now..
Love ya
Seeya xxx

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