I would kiss you but i dint wanna hurt you..

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-Chris's POV-
My eyes sot open,
"Yeah baby?"
"M..my skin, I..it's burning again" she stuttered
I sat up and took off the covers,
I lightly let my fingers travel along her leg, she winced in pain,
"I think we need to get you to the hospital baby" I said calmly,
"Y..you'll stay with me right?" She said worryingly
"Of course I'll stay, I hate being in hospitals alone" I said,
"I would kiss you but I don't wanna hurt you" I added,
She nodded,
I picked her up,
I gave her some pain killers which made her sleepy, she curled up into my shirt,
She ended up falling asleep with a shaky breath,she gripped onto my shirt in pain,
I sat in the front while ghost drove, Ricky was at home still asleep,
It was 4 am,
It never ends.
We got to the hospital,
"Listen my girlfriend she was attacked with bleach!" I said in a hurry,
"Sorry sir I'm afraid you will have to wait in the waiting room, what's her last name?" She said
"Are you kidding this is a emergency!!" I yelled
"Sir I would like you to calm down and wait in the waiting room or I'm gonna have to call security" she aids
"Come on Chris lets go" whispered ghost,
I sighed and nodded,
"I'll have one of the nurses take your friend in a wheelchair to get her off your hands" said the lady,
I put her in a wheelchair and pushed her next to me in the small cold seating area.
Her eyes fluttered open,
I held her hand,
"You alright?" Asked ghost,
"I feel..s..sick" she said
"Don't worry it's gonna be alright, the doctors will see us shortly hang In There" I said
She suddenly went into shock her eyes rolled up the way making her eyes look just white while white foam came out her mouth,
"Shit nurse nurse!!" I yelled


Passing up and down the hallway as the doctors are examining her,
"Why does she have to go through so much ghost? Why can't they all just leave her alone?" I said worried
" we are going on tour soon Chris, m..maybe she should come with us this time" said ghost
"Oh yes definitely, I am not leaving her this time" I said
"Are you he for Emily Rodgers?" Said the doctors
We both stood up,
"You said she was attacked with bleach yes?"
"Yeah she was" I said sadly
"Are we needing to report domestic violence in this situation" he said looking at us,
"No?!who do you think we are? We ain't no abusers we saved her from the accident last night!" I said annoyed
"Well you guys did a good job then," said the doctor
"Why do you say that?," asked ghost quietly
"Normally by now the skin would have fully dissolved off leaving serious burn wounds causing mass amount of pain and end up with scars," said the doctor
"She won't scar right?" I said
"No," he said
I sighed in relief I knew how much her self esteem went down when she saw her scars,
"What happened back there" I asked
"She had wounds before the bleach attack, causing the chemicals to get into her blood stream giving her slight blood poisoning, but dint worry, she is safe now" smiled the doctor.
"Where were the wounds from" asked ghost quietly
"Her wrist.."
I bit the inside of my mouth,
I need to see her..

Hey guys..
Sorry about the last note at the end, just feeling pissed off and sad, but hey,
I'm okay now,
So how are you guys?
Leave your answer in the comments,
Just wanna say if you guys need someone to talk to I'm here.
Times like these suck and I sometimes you need to talk to people who have been through to truly understand y'know.
Anyways.. I have an essay to do tomorrow so I ain't looking forward to that,
So I'm gonna go SEEYA thanks for the support on this story,
Update tomorrow..
Xxx love you guys xxx

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