Promising the white lie

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-Emily's POV-
I parked the car outside Chris's house, I got out the car and walked to the door,
Someone automatically ran up to me making me stamble back dropping my bags, I noticed it was Chris, I hugged back but realised he was in total shock, his whole body shaking and his breathing was abnormal, he was crying.
"Chris? What's wrong, why are you covered in-" I cut myself off when he pointed behind him,
It was balz, shaking on the ground blood oozing from his wound, I ran to him,
"Oh my god, Chris! What happened" I yelled putting pressure on his wound
"J..ja..your sister" he said sitting down in shock starring into thin air,
"Chris call an ambulance, Josh your gonna be alright just stay with us" I said ,Chris did so,
Balz shook his head as if to say no,
"No, your gonna stay, your gonna have a baby soon, and your gonna spend Christmas together, like a family, and your gonna bring up a strong child, and go to all their parents evenings, and your gonna be a awesome dad" I said arms forming from getting emotional,

Chris got up and rubbed my back
"Em, the ambulance is here" he stuttered
I could tell he was shell shocked.
We watched balz get pushed away,
I walked next to him,
"Ry...Ry...rya-" said balz then passing out,
What was he saying?"
I shrugged it off and sat in the ambulance with Chris, they automatically hooked balz up to a machine so they could monitor his heartbeat, each beat gave us strength, I held Chris's shakey hand,
He rested his head on my shoulder,
I rubbed his leg,
"I should've helped more" he said weakly
"You did the best you could Chris," I said kissing his forehead,
"What happened?" I asked
"Your sister just j..jumped out of nowhere and she had a knife" he replied
"Oh this is all my fault" I said covering my face
He took my hands away from my face and picked me up, I curled into his chest smelling his cologne,
I smiled "you know it wasn't your fault baby," said Chris,
I nodded and must have fell asleep,

-Ryan Ashley's POV-

I lay in pain, the cold rain mixing with my tears, all I could see was the rain pour getting into my eyes making my vision go blurry, my body grew cold, I began to shiver. All I care about is the little one inside me,
I hope my baby is okay, that's I'm concerned about, and Balz and Chris, I have no idea where they are right now but I hope the blood on that girl's hands wasn't  theirs.
"Help!" My voice croaked
All I could here were cars speed by but no one could hear my silent cries,
I rubbed my stone cold stomach as I felt no kicks,

-Chris's POV-

We entered the hospital and followed balz as he was rushed into the ER,
We sat in the corridor, as we watched nurses and doctors work on balz's wound,
I was so worried about him, I need to catch that bitch, I know it's Emily's sister and everything but I don't want her touching any of my friends again, she has already caused trouble and I can't let Emily get hurt again,
The amount of times I've said this is the death of me, but this time for sure if anyone hurts Emily again i might just kill them,

I shrugged it off as we were invited into the hospital room,

"Josh I'm so so sorry this is all my fault that girl, she was my sister I-" said Emily
"Why are you apologising" he said quietly
"You didn't do anything," he added
I sighed and sat down next to Emily
"Where is Ryan? Isn't she with you?" Asked balz,
Emily looked at me,
"Ryan was with you guys? I haven't seen her" said Emily
"Oh shit. She was in my car," I said
God dam it I forgot about that,
"But Chris.. Your car was empty when I arrived" said Emily confused
Balz's face dropped,
He tried to sit up but he couldn't due to the pain,
"Stay down Josh, we have got this" I said rubbing his shoulder,
"W..where is my baby?!" He said beginning to tear up,
We both stood up,
"We will go and look for her balz and bring her back here, stay in bed and rest up, we will be back soon" said Emily

We left walking quickly
I then saw ghost,
"Ghost what are you doing here?" Said Emily
"Chris p..phoned me" he said
"Can we use your car, you haven't seen Ryan have you?," I asked
"Oh he is at Ricky's as usual" said ghost
"No, Ryan Ashley" I said
"Oh, sorry guys I haven't seen her" he said sadly,
"But you can use my car," he smiled

-Emily's POV-
Chris sighed and pressed his lips on ghost's I was shocked at his act,
He then freed himself,
"U..uh, your the best ghost, thankyou" he stuttered,
"S..sorry, I uhh don't know what came over me I just uhhhh was r..released to hear some good news, we will uhh go" said Chris blushing,
"Have my keys please" said ghost speaking rapidly with a high pitched voice from shock,
We took his keys and drove off,

"Chris what if my sister has-"
"Its alright," he Said  loudly making me jump,
"She is gonna be alright," he said softer,
"Promise?" I asked
He didn't reply,

Hey guys, how is it going, so it was non uniform today at school, and senpai did not notice me
He was wearing a suicide silence short and everything and I was like notice meeeeeeeee please,!!!!!!!
But he will never notice,
*cries in corner*
Na but it's Friday so yayyyyyy
Thankyou for the votes n stuff,
It makes me happy and loved,
Hope your enjoying this story but it won't last forever, meaning that I will be writing another Chris motionless fan fiction after this, and it's gonna be goooood,
So yeah.
Anyways I gotta go worship my senpai shrine,
AKA poster of Chris that I bow to,
SEEYA xxxx

Drowning -A Chris Motionless Fan Fiction-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora