In Darkness..

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-Chris's POV-
It has been weeks since Emily left, I have gone home to get over it, I guess there is not gonna be me and her for Christmas, I sighed, and got out of bed, I looked in the mirror to see my ribs seeping through my skin, I can now see my spine and hip bones from all the weight I have lost,
Ever since Emily left,I'm haven't ate properly in weeks,
I've been living in nothing but monster and coffee, that's it,
I got changed, the house is now silent, I can never stand silence, it's is saddens me,
I got a text from Ricky,
Hey Chris have you ate yet? If not please have something, you looked not yourself yesterday,

Oh yeah, Ricky came to visit yesterday, he noticed my smaller frame, even with all the weight I've lost my big ass seems to stay,
I looked back at my phone and replied to Ricky,
Yeah don't worry I have had something already,
I lied as I dint want him to worry,
I looked in the fridge, maybe I should eat today, presides I am pretty hungry,
I opened the fridge, great, empty, looks like I have to take a trip to Walmart.

-Emily's POV-
"Wake up bitch now make some fucking money! It dosent grow on trees y'know" spat Kane dragging me from my ankles
"W..what do you expect me to do"
"Oh don't worry, I've already got you a job,"
"W..where?" I said limping
"Wall mart" he grinned
I sighed and got changed,
"Make sure to cover up that bruise on your forehead" he yelled as I got ready,


-Chris's POV-

Walking through the Isles of Walmart I picked up some fruit and veg and some meat and groceries and shit,
I got almond milk and monster and gaaaaaaatoraiiiiiiiidddd and cereal,
I walked to the checkouts and I paused,
I knew that purple hair anywhere,
It was Emily,
I stood in line and waited to be served by her,
"Hi did you find everything-" she cut herself off when she looked up at me,
"Ok." She added,
"Yeah I sure did" I said unloading the shopping cart,
I noticed the pain in her eyes, her mouth quivered as if she was gonna say something but stops herself,
"So you work here now?"
"Y..yeah I just started" she said as if she was about to burst into tears,
"You okay?"
She just nodded and smiled
"I don't mean to uhh intrude but what happens to your head?" I asked
"I...i...f..fell, yeah, down the stairs, tripped and uhh fell" he said
"Oh...listen I know it's not what you wanna hear right now but-"
"That will be $20.25"
I handed her the money,
"I'm sorry for what I have done to ever hurt you, c..can we at least still be friends" I asked

-Emily's POV-
I was about to say yes but I then saw Kane standing watching me from the other side of the checkouts,
He looked furious that I was talking to Chris,
Another beating for me tonight,
Flash backs of getting hit by him scared me, I clenched my fists,
"No, we can't, sorry" I said firmly,i could tell he was taken back,
Kane then made it clear that he was gonna kill Chris from his miming,
"I don't ever want to see you again, please j..just go" I said looking down as tears ran down my cheeks but I hid it,
"Ok..," he said quietly, nothing but hurt and pain filled his throat making his voice croak,
He picked his bags up and walked away
"I love you" I whispered but he didn't hear me,
He never will...

My hour was up, and I walked out the store with Kane,
He took me into his car,
"What the hell was that?!" He beamed
"W..what?" I replied
"I love  you!! I love you?! How dare you!!," he spat,
"I'm sorry I.."
"Sorry ain't gonna fix it your getting punished when you get home" he beamed
He took me back to my house, that's where we live now, well...his house now..
I don't sleep in a bed, I slept on the floor in the kitchen,
It was sunset now..
I was so hungry I was gonna puke stomach acid.
He grabbed me by my hair and threw me in the garden shed,
"Your gonna stay here until I want you,"
"B,.but what about food and drink, I..I'm thirsty"
"Your fat enough!! Now go lay down and starve!!!!" He yelled and locked the door,
I am now lying in some cold damp ground in nothing but darkness,
I was so cold, hungry and heartbroken, the look on Chris's face will haunt me for ever,
The sadness in his eyes killed me,
I began to sob silently so Kane wouldn't hear,
I wasn't you back Chris, I need you..
Let's hope the cold will kill me before Kane does...

Hey guys..
Not had a very good day today,
Had to rush my grandma to AandE cause she had a heart operation and her wound got infected and stuff so my mum was crying and I wasn't in a good place,
I had to go to the bathroom and cry cause I couldn't bare sitting in the emergency room with all these hurt patients, there was a lot of blood and it triggered me y'know,
I really don't know why I, telling you all this, sorry...just it feels nice to let it out,
Hope you guys are okay,
Love you, seeya xxx

Drowning -A Chris Motionless Fan Fiction-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon