Burnt Out

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-Chris's POV-

Emily shot up, and looked around, she began breathing heavily in fear, her anxiety was kicking in,
I placed my hands round her cheeks to look at me, she suddenly calmed as she saw my face,
"It's alright I'm here" I said kissing her forehead,
"I thought s..someone kidnapped me" she Said referring to that we are still in the car from before,
It was now pitch black outside and it was 2am, I got out, it was freezing, I helped Emily out as she was a little sore from before,
(If you know what I mean *_*)

I turned my phone on, I had 27 messages from Ricky,
I decided to drive home first, I insisted on driving home in her car as she was worn out from everything that has happened,
She curled up into s ball and looked out the window,
"Chris?" She asked weakly
"Yes baby Doll?" I replied
"D..did you really mean those things you said back there?" She asked in a silenced tone
"Of course I did baby, what makes you think I didn't you know I mean it" I said holding her small hand as I drove
"Just trust issues is all" she said
"What made you have trust issues" I asked
"My dad" she half whispered
"Emily I'm sorry baby" I said rubbing my thumb in the back of her hand,
"His funeral was yesterday, I was invited but the rest of the family threatened me saying no, cause I was an embarrassment to them all" she said looking down, her hair covering her face,
My grip slightly tightened on her hand,
"Why do they think you are a embarrassment?" I said getting a little angry,
"C..cause who wants a satan child in the family" she said  tear falling into my hand,
I looked up at her she was shaking as if to say she was silently crying but covered it up.
"You wanna know the difference between us and the people who call us satan?" I said
"W..what" she said looking up,
I drive up the drive and stooped the car, turned round in my seat yo look at her,
"Cause they believe in Satan and we don't," I said tucking her hair behind her ear and whiling her tears,
She smiled and sniffled a bit rubbing her eyes,
"Y..your right" she said
I got out and carried her inside,
Ricky ran up to us,
"Woah, what are you doing here" I said putting Emily down
"Dude I was so worried, I heard about balz and Ryan and then I came to see you guys and you weren't in" he said
"Jeez calm down we weren't out that long" I said
I walked into the kitchen but Ricky ran in front of me,
"What are you sound Ricky?" I warned
"I..uhh why don't you sit down on the couch a minute, you know you don't wanna go in there" he said dragging me to the sofa,
"No I'm firstly and I need some food" I said trying to push past him,
"Let me get that for you"
"No now let me past"
He sighed and let me past,
I opened to fridge to see nothing but an apple core in it, I stood up with a pissed looking facial expression,
"Sir Richard Olson" I said with a annoyed tone
Emily sat in the counter behind us,
"Come here now" I said
I turned swiftly as I looked down on him, cause I'm so fucking tall,
"Rick, where in the fucks name is all my food" I said pointing to the fridge,
"I..uhh don't know" he said stuttering
"Oh Mr Olson how could you do this to us?" Sang Emily in the backround
"Tell the truth or do I have to beat it out of you" I said clenching my fists,
"Okay!!! You got me,"
"Well spill the beans" I said
"Iwashungarysoidecidedtogetsomefoodbutthenghostcameoverandiofferedhimsomefoodthenwebothatealldaywhenyouweregoneiamsosorryweweregonnabuymorebutwearebrokeasshitsoyeah" he said quickly

"I was Hungry so I decided to go get some food but then ghost came over and I offered him some food then we both ate all day while you were gone I am so sorry we were gonna buy some more but we are broke as shit so yeah"

I sighed, "whatever but you owe us" I said patting his back,
He sighed,
We ended up playing NFL together,
I paused the game and walked to the kitchen to find Emily,
She wasn't there, I saw a note,
Hey Chris I knew you were playing your game so I didn't want to disturb you so I've gone shopping to get some groceries I'll be back soon love Emily xx

This girl is unbelievable, my absolute world, does anything for me, I was a little concerned actually she was really tired before, I just know she is gonna wear herself out,

-Emily's POV-

I bought the groceries and struggled back to the car, I noticed that I developed a cold and also my head hurts due to lack of sleep,
I got into the car and rested my head on the wheel for a bit,
I yawned and started the car,
Allots home Emily then you can snuggle with Chris, that's what I need right now,
I'm just exhausted, Chris was right, I shouldn't wear myself out,
I'm a fucking idiot when it comes to this,
Oh well at least Chris gets his groceries,

-Chris's POV-

Ricky left a little while ago, it's now 9pm and Emily is still now back, I began to worry,

But it was okay, the door opened and she was there with two heavy bags, I helped her with one and she bagan to unpack them straight way, I took the items for her,
"I've hot this" I said she nodded and I began to fill up the fridge, she was filling the top cupboards,
She stopped I turned my head to see her stumble a bit,
"C..Chris" she said then suddenly fainting
I grabbed her,
"Em? Emily wake up, ah shit" I said picking her up,
I knew it, she had burnt herself out till there was nothing left in her, I'm so super I should have helped her with all the chores but I didn't, I just sat in my ass and played games,
I can be a dick at times,
I lay her in the car,
I didn't know what to do, she wouldn't wake, she was breathing atleast,
Only place I knew where to go was the hospital,
Ah fuck this is all my fault,

Sup guys,
I was called a fat cow in art today,
I just replied wow your mother must be so proud,
Nah but seriously, I know I'm on a bit of the chubby side and don't have a thigh gap and yadda yadda yadda, but Chris does not have a thigh gap and his legs are sexy as shit so ha!!
And also it ain't my fault chicken is so god damn delicious XD
Lol I'm weird,
I dint wanna go to school tomorrow but my parents are like lol no, if I broke my neck my parents will still probably send me to school,
It sucks,
Anyways seeeeeyaaaaaa

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