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I awoke to the smell of pancakes. I smiled at the thought of what happened last night. I still can't believe I am in Chris motionless's house. But what if my dad finds out where I am. Then I am putting Chris in danger too. I can't let that happen. No way.
I walked downstairs.
"Hey there em how's it going" he said cheerfully.
I paused at the name em.
"Emily? You ok" he asked concerned.
"Oh yeah sorry, it's just no one has called me that in years" I said snapping out of my thoughts.
The last person that called me that was my mother. It gave me back good memories. Making me feel a little emotional.
"Oh I'm sorry do you want me to call you something else?" He replied serving the pancakes
"No no it's fine. I like it" I stuttered. Damn I'm so awkward. My anxiety began to kick in as I ate.

-Chris's POV-
She began to eat, her hand began to shake and she began to blink uncontrollably. It shook so much that she dropped her fork and it landed on the plate making her flinch.
She placed her hand on her gore head and looked away.
Tears in her eyes she looked down and mumbled.
"Sorry," she mumbled.

-Emily's POV-
A hand was then placed on my shoulder. I looked up. It was Chris giving me a look full of sorrow.
"There is no need to frightened. I'm gonna protect you ok?" He said.
"But...what if he finds me. Then I am putting you in danger" I said tears slowly running down my cheeks.
"As long as your safe I'm happy and I'll make sure he doesn't get to you" he said.
"Thankyou so so much" I said still crying.
He gave me a tight hug.
"Whenever you feel like you want to cry just tell me ok and you can let it all out" he said kissing the top of my head.
"Your so cold" he chuckled,
"And your so warm" I said resting my head on his chest.
"You want to have a movie night, I have chicken wings" he asked
"That would be great" I laughed.
"Ok I'm gonna get the snacks made," he said skipping to the kitchen.
"Ok I'm gonna change" I smiled.
"I wanted to ware something comfy but my legs are covered in bruises and scars and cuts and I'd don't want to scare him away so I put on black skinny jeans and a slipknot  shirt and loads of bracelets.
I did my heavy eyeliner makeup and then headed down stairs.
"Ok so I have some movies if you wanna choose" he said handing me a handful.
"Beetle juice!!!" I laughed
"Awesome I love that movie" he smiled.
We sat and ate wings and decided to watch movies all night.
I eventually fell asleep at like 1am.
I was then awoke by Chris carrying me bridal style up the stairs.
"Hey there princess your bed awaits" he smiled.
I yawned,
"Thankyou" I smiled tiredly,
He lay me on the bed and tucked me in and kissed my forehead. Making my heart flutter.
"Night night" he said with a cute high pitch tone.
"Night" I smiled.
I still can't believe that Chris kissed me. Twice!!!
I know I have only met him for a couple days but... I think I'm falling for him.

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