Wasted Away..

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Recommend the song above, just sayin dawg..

-Chris's POV-
"Hey Chris," whispered Emily,
I looked up to see Ricky, oh...I forgot,
"He Ricky what's up"
"Ghost called, he was going Christmas shopping, he wanted you to come"
"Oh.. Tell him I will be at his place in a hour" I said sitting up and yawning,
"I, made you breakfast, promise I haven't put rat poison in it, promise" he smiled
I chuckled and got out of bed, I got changed and did my makeup,
And headed downstairs.
There was a massive plate of bacon, sausages, pancakes,waffles,beans,French toast and eggs all on a plate,
"Rick, I can't eat all that, this is two much, at least have some for yourself," I said feeling guilty,
"Nah I'm good, I had a pop tart" he smiled
"Just try to eat something, you need it" he smiled
"Okay" I sighed
Turns out that Rick was a awesome cook, I ate the lot, I burped and washed the plate,
I drove to ghosts house.
I knocked in the old ass door,
"Chris!! Yayyyy" he said with his high pitched voice,
"He ghost" I smiled giving him a. Hug,
"There is a Christmas festive not far from here, it has s..stalls and stuff and it looked cute, I was gonna tell you and e..Emily but then she- let's go" he said
We got in his car and drove off,

-Emily's POV-
I can't concentrate, everything is blurry, every time I see Kane, well... I thinks it's Kane, I have to take off my shirt,
"W..what have you done to me" I stuttered
"Dunno, bought it on the black market, it wasn't cheep, that's how much I love you, getting expensive gifts for you" he grinned kissing my neck, it hurt due to the bruises and love bites round my neck from previous nights even weeks, my body haven't healed due to lack of food and water, I have no energy, I can't even stand for five minutes with out my legs giving in,
I can walk, but just limping due to the injuries from...y'know..
My hair is now a light brown colour as the dye has faded out,
I have developed the flu from living 24/7'in a wooden shed, lying on damp concrete,
I haven't cleaned in weeks, I feel dirty,
I miss Chris so much, but he is safe, Nothing else matters.
Kane began to grab my chest, I moved away,
"Don't touch me" I whimpered,
"Fine, I was gonna give you food tonight, as your getting a little boney but I guess i will just have to starve you, I'll be back tomorrow, when I want you, you better be alive when I wake you, cause your corpse will work just as good" he grinned slamming the door and locking it,
Tears formed in my eyes,
I stumbled to my feet and punched the wall making my fists bleed,
I began banging the wall trying to break through,
Over and over again.
Until I fell to my knees due to my legs giving up,
I lay in the concrete as I heard the strong cold wind hit against the wooden door,
I sobbed as I held my stomach in pain,
Whatever he drugged me with, it ain't doing good, my eyesight is still blurry and it's giving me a headache,
Just finish me already Kane,
Just cut my throat and let this hell all be over.
It was nice while it lasted..

-ghosts POV-
We were walking looking at all the beautiful Christmas stalls, i would all ways look back to see Chris's recant to the beautiful Christmas decorations,
This warmed my heart and made me smile to see his eyes lighten when he watched all the Christmas lights,
"W..wanna get some hot coco" I asked
"Sure" he said quietly,
I knew he would be a bit emotional with this, I feel kinda bad in a way, but I needed to get a Christmas tree,
We got some Christmas cake and some coco and sat in a bench outside,
"Chris, "
"W..why did Emily leave?"
He looked down, "I don't know to be honest, I guess their right, what they say"
"What do mean?"
"We can't keep a relationship, cause if the jobs we have and the path we took," he sighed,
"But you guys did keep a relationship, you have been together for almost a year"
"It would've been a year in January" he said
"Why don't you talk to her,"
"I can't, she has a boyfriend ghost!"
"A boyfriend? But..that was quick, I dint think she was easy to get than that"
"It's with that Mark guy" he said annoyed
"But I thought he left her abandoned her on tour or is this another guy"
"Yeah it's him,somehow she is the love of his life, I say it's a load of bullshit, however they kissed right in front of me"
"Well, I think you should go back, talk to her atleast, maybe when she is alone" I suggested,
"I just want her in my life ghost, I wanted to have a relaxing Christmas together"
"I think you should, you guys can atleast be friends"
"The thought of me and her being just friends is killing me ghost, after all we have been though..
It can't be for nothing" he said,
We headed home after that,
I dropped Chris off,

-Chris's POV-
I got home and got into bed,
Well...it was nice while it lasted..

Hey guys it's Friday!
There is another storm AGAIN!!!
The wind blew my freaking phone out my hand skidding it across the road walking home from school the wind was so bad,
Also all my shit in my bag is wet from the rain also,
And that the whole town has practically flooded,
I was gonna go to the city, (Edinburgh) to go shopping tomorrow with the money I had left and spend it in PULP (British hot topic) but no!!!
Weather can you like not?
Anyways I'm gonna go,
Hope are okay, love you guys,
OH AND QUESTION OF THE DAY: what do you class yourself as?
Metal head?
Or just your self,
I have elements of goth and emo into one, I don't really like the phrase emo that much, so I say I guess I'm a mix of goth and alternative?
So I class my self as a Gem!
That's my name by the way lol, comment your answer!

Drowning -A Chris Motionless Fan Fiction-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin