He what?!

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-Emily's POV-

I was scrolling through social media again and saw another picture with Chris tagged in it,
It was posted by the same girl.
'Gonna miss this man soooo much, love you boo xxx'
A tear ran down my face slowly,
Maybe I should just leave...

I decided to gather my things and get out of Chris's house, I can't stand looking at him knowing that he used me and in love with someone else, the girl, she was so much prettier than me,
I couldn't stand a chance. I was too ugly and too fat to be with Chris, no wonder Chris didn't tell his fans about me, why would the fans wanna see me?

I opened the door to my old house, the one that is cold and empty and isn't really a home anymore,

-Chris's POV-

I have to have a word with Emily, I have calmed down a bit over the whole cheating with ghost thing, however I will ask her and see if she lies to me or not,

I walked home,
All the guys are back at their place, I knew something was gonna happen.
I opened the door,
No one was here,
"Emily!!" I yelled
I searched the place, it was empty, I sighed
The place was very clean however I decided to empty the fridge and replace it with the groceries I bought on the way home,
I emptied the trash downstairs and was going upstairs to empty the bin from the bathroom,

-Emily's POV-
I went to go check my phone when I realised I left it back at Chris's, he will probably be back by now, shit..
Screw it.. Maybe he has some explaining to do. I began to walk back to Chris's place.

-Chris's POV-
I carried the bag out and some thing fell out the plastic bag,
I picked it up and my face turned red with rage,
A positive pregnancy test,
I squeezed the test in my hands roughly snapping the worthless piece of plastic,
I walked downstairs,
To see Emily walk through the door,

-Emily's POV-
I walked In The door to see Chris full of rage, it frightened me as it reminded me of my dad,
My hands shook in fear.
I whimpered in pain and fell to the floor and held my cheek, his ring hit my eye causing a gash to form,
Making a mixture of blood and tears drip down my face.
He then stepped over me with his long legs and threw what looked like a Broken positive pregnancy test at,
He then slammed the door really harshly causing a picture to fall off the wall smashing the frame.
I crawled to the small tabs and grabbed the house phone,

-ghosts POV-

I was sitting watching Edward ScissorHands when my phone rang,
I picked it up,
"Ghost help" I heard Emily cry
"Emily what's wrong are you hurt?!" I said sitting up
"G..ghost, h..he h..hit me" she whimpered
"He what?!' Oh my god... Stay there I'm on my way" I said hanging up.
I knew exactly what she meant, that son of a bitch,
Why the hell would he hit her? What has she done,
I took my car and drove to Chris's house,


I got there as fast as I could,
I ran is side to see Emily lying on the cold living room flood crying her heart out,
I scooped her up,
"It's okay, it's okay I've got you" I said holding her,
She cuddled into my shirt and cried

"E..Emily your pregnant?" I said looking at the test on the floor
"No, that's not mine I swear, Chris thinks it's mine but it's not" she cried
"Then who?" I wondered
"I think it's Ryan Ashley's she has been the only other one here" she cried
I held her tight,
I decided to phone the rest of the band to tell them what Chris has done,
They have all decided to stay over at Chris's to protect Emily,
We are all guarding the house tonight and waiting till Chris comes back,

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