Nightmares In The Day..

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-Balz's POV-
After the argument yesterday I decided to return to the crib..
I sighed and opened the door, to see Ryan placing baby toys all over the floor,
Are you fucking serious. He turned round to face me and I saw REAL baby strapped to his stomach,
"Oh look Ryan junior it's your creepy uncle that is here for the banter, say hello" he smiled
My face dropped, my skin turned cold, my heart stopped.
What the fuck is going on,
I then flinched and snapped myself back into reality,
Chris was standing at the door looking at me as if I was on some sort of drug,
Thank fuck, it was just a nightmare..
"You okay?" He said
"Y..yeah I'm fine" I said walking in,
The whole squad was asleep on the floor,
"What the hell did I miss?" I said
"Well we all overdosed on icecream and movies so yeah." Said Chris.
He lay back down,
"Uhh what are you doing?" I said
"It's like 1:00 in the afternoon" I said
"Well what am I suppose to do"
"Sleep, oh and don't shove your sushi roll in Ryan's face, do that outside please" said Chris
"Wait what?"
Chris then began to snore.
Oh what the hell,
I lay down next to Ricky and fell asleep.

Hey guys sorry this is short but I've been a nervous wreck all day,
So she will probably read this but I'm gonna be honest,
So last night my best friend told me she liked me, I kinda already knew but I dint want to admit it,
And to be honest I like her too, however I always had feelings that I was bisexual and stuff but didn't want to admit it as my parents are ANTI GAY and will never accept me,
My dad said if i was gay I would be a disgrace to the family,
Well, I am.
Anyways I had a boy friend and we broke up a,little while ago cause I didn't like how the relationship was going, we were perfect as friends but not as a couple and now I am worrying like shit cause I don't know if I really really really am bi, and what if we go out and ruin the friendship like I did with my ex.
I mean what if I don't like it. Then what do I do, before I was sure but now I'm just scared.
Thinking if the worse case senario as usual.
Anyways I haven't eaten all day today cause of this thought,
So I'm gonna give having a girlfriend a try and if I'm not feeling right then I am literally fucked.
Yes of course I love her but I have been brought up by a fucking church that all these years told me if I loved the same sex I would be going to hell,
It's a big change and I am feeling lost..

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