Here we go again..

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-Ricky's POV-

I was drinking some tea when I heard a knock at my door, it was Emily,
I opened up,
She was drenched from the rain and shivering from the cold, it looked like she has been crying again.
"Don't tell me he hit you again" I said sternly
", I hit him actually"
"What did he do?"
"H...he...I can't trust him, to be honest I'm scared of him"
"I see"
"I..I just need t..time to think," she stuttered
"It's okay come on let's get you warmed up do you have clothes" I said putting my arm around her.
"Y..yeah I dropped in at my old house and got some things. I'm sorry to bother you""
"Nah it's fine, I would feel the same, I did think it was a bit early for you guys to be right as rain again."
"Thankyou for understanding" she smiled

I took her upstairs and showed her to the guest bedroom,
Which had a bathroom inside,
"Just come down when your ready " I smiled
"No problem"

-Emily's POV-
I kinda feel bad for barging in unexpected. I was gonna go to ghosts but I have bothered him enough already.
I got in the hot shower and washed my hair, it's gone silver again however I kinda like it..
I put some songs on and began to sing,
I put it on shuffle and Teenage Dirtbag came on, this was my jam and kinda a guilty pleasure.
I began to sing along,

I'm just a teenage dirt bag baby.

I got in my pyjamas and Ricky walked in
"Wow you can really sing" he smiled
I jumped out my skin
"Oh shit sorry I'll go, I am uhh ordering pizza what do you want" he asked
"I'm not Hungry" I said
My tummy then rumbled I blushed and looked down
He raised his eyebrow,
"So you want fries with that?"
"Yeah" I mumbled
We sat downstairs and ate and watched movies.
I decided to go sleep.

-Chris's POV-

Ever since Emily left my head has been spinning round and round, it's all my fault,
She is scared of me, after all she has been through I was the only one who kept her safe or calmed her down, now she has no one cause even I hurt her, this whole world was treating her like a punching bag, I'm so done..
I fell to my knees, and began to sob,

-Emily's POV-
'Fucking whore'
'Go die!!!'
'Why are you still here!'
'Disgusting cow!'
'No wonder he hit you,'
'He doesn't love you, if he did he wouldn't hit you'
'Who would want to love you, you disgusting piece of shit'

I awoke, my chest felt tight, oh god here we go again..
My lungs froze, like I was choking on water that isn't even there.

-Ricky's POV-

It was 11 at night and I began to yawn, maybe I should go to bed,
I got a glass of water and headed upstairs,
I heard what sounded like choking from Emily's room,
Is she seriously sucking someone off in there? Really Emily?
I opened the door anyways,
"Emily, shit.. Uhhh, your gonna be fine just keep your eyes open for me don't close those eyes, stay awake for me"
She was shaking like crazy unable to breath, I heard about her needing an injection or something,
She doesn't have it does she..

-Chris's POV-

I was still sobbing when my phone rang, it was Ricky,
Ricky can't you see I'm busy.
I didn't pick it up, I left it,

-Ricky's POV-
Fine you wanna be like that then fine,
I phone ghost and told him to phone the others to all phone Chris.
I got back to Emily,
"Em,?" Her eyes went wide, her mouth quivered as I cupped my hands around her face.
A tear escaped and her bodily rested and her eyes began to close,
"No! NO! Emily!!! Em!!!" I began to cry,
I hesitated and picked her up and put her in my car and speeded to the hospital, I texted ghost to tell Chris she is at the hospital barely alive.

-Chris's POV-
There was a knock at my door, I got up angrily and wiped my tears.
"E...Emily h..has had an attack r..Ricky's and s..she is the hospital b..barely alive"
"He s..said he tried calling you but you didn't answer"
"F..fuck w..what have I done" I ran and grabbed the injection and ran to ghosts car..

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