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-Ricky's POV-

I speeded to the hospital with unconscious Emily in the back seat,
It was dark out and the rain was pouring down,
I stamped on the breaks coming to a sudden stop as of fucking course the road is closed,
I decided to pull in at the side, and run there,
I was five minutes away, and I used to be good at sports as a kid so running wouldn't be a problem,
It's just Emily that I'm worried about,
I picked her up and carried her bridal style,
She squeezed my shirt and whimpered in pain a little as I ran to the hospital.
I ran inside as nurses ran to me,
"We will take it from here" one of the nurses picking her up. Placing her In a bed and rushing her to the wards.
I went with them and waited outside left to suffocate in my own thoughts..
What if I was too late?
What then? Chris would be so pissed..or will he? Hell, I dunno if I even know if he even cares anymore.
Everything is so confusing,
Just as long as she makes it. That's all I'm concerned about.

-ghosts POV-
I am driving in the rain with Chris sitting next to me talking to himself.
"She is gonna die and it's all my fault"
"She is gonna hate me"
"I hate myself so much"
"Shut up!!!" I yelled
He jumped, I have never shouted at anyone like that before. I soon fell in love with the aggression.
"Now she is gonna be fine, but you have no idea how much she has faced Chris! Jeez! Has no one actually realised what that effects are doing to her inside! You need to wake that fuck up and stop drowning in your sorrows and forget about the past or you ain't gonna get anywhere you understand me?!" I said angrily.
"You know what ghost!!" He said looking angrily,
I began to get scared.
"That's the best fucking thing you've said all day" he smiled
I sighed in relief.
We heard on the radio the road was closed so we took the alternative route and got there eventually.

We ran in.

-Chris's POV-
"Hi we are here for Emily Rodgers" I said
"She is currently in theatre right now sir, she will be moved to ward 2 in the respiratory section" said the women.
"Oh..okay" I said getting nervous.
I saw Ricky drenched shivering sitting at the side of the corridor  holding his wet beanie in his hands.
The nursed passed him a blanket and he put it round him,
"I'm sorry" I said breaking the silence
He looked me in the eyes, he had blood shot eyes meaning he had clearly been crying,
"I needed you man? Why didn't you pick up," he said really quietly.
"I just..couldn't stop feeling sorry for myself" I said keeping my voice down.
"Are you all here for Emily Rodgers" said the doctor
"Yeah" we all said at the same time,
"Well only one of you can go in" said the doctor bluntly,
Ghost and Ricky looked at me, I nodded and got up.

I walked into the silent hospital room,
She was fast asleep with a tube attached to her neck,
She had wires and tubes which surrounded her. Sadness filled my heart.
She had needles all up her arms that were attached to drips and meds.
I sighed and sat down next to her and held her small soft hand.

"Now, I know when you wake up, your probably won't ever want to see me again, and I get it. To be honest I don't blame you. But you have to remember this, the day I met you that night, I was in a bad place, I didn't want to go on. I had an argument with the band so,I ran off, I was heading to the bridge actually. I didn't think I was a good enough role model when I hated myself just as much as others. Ever since I met you I knew that internally you were broken.even though you were hiding it, I could tell. Because the truth is, I felt the same way. I hated to admit it but I dint see why I should lie to you, you might not wanna hear this right now but.. You are absolutely beautiful, I've seen all your scars and I'll tell you this right now, those marks didn't even phase me. They didn't change the way I felt about you. And I promise from the bottom of my heart that I ain't just saying that, I ain't sugar coating it, I seriously have feelings for you, and even if we can't be together, hell, I wish we still can, I will always love you. And nothing can change that" I said

I stood up and began to walked out the door.
The guys are in the waiting room downstairs. The corridor was abandoned.
I began to walk off until a pair of arms wrapped round my waist.
I turned around to see Emily hugging me really tight. At first I was shocked but then hugged back,
"Please....don't go. I..I need you" she cried
"You heard that?" I said blushing
"Every word," she said burying her face in my shirt.
"Please. I wanna be together again, back when we used to have movie marathons and used to laugh. Forget about the past I don't care just I don't wanna be alone anymore" she bawled
I lifted her chin and whipped her tears with my thumb. Our lips touched.
"You really wanna give a goof ball like me another chance?" I smiled
She nodded
I smiled.
"Can you walk"
"Well" I cut her off and picked her up,
Sighed the papers and went home,
She hugged the rest of the guys, ghost gave her a really tight cuddle.
"I missed you so much em, I thought you were a goner" he said tears in his eyes.
"Thank you so much guys I couldn't ask for more" she smiled


We got home and we both decided to take a bath together,
Her small frame leaned back on my chest and I played with her wet hair,
We got in our pyjamas and got into bed.
She rested her head on my chest,
I tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Did it hurt?" She asked
"Did it hurt, when I hit you"
"A bit, your freaking bad ass" I chuckled
"Did I hurt you baby" I said holding her hand
"Yeah. Your more strong than I thought" she giggled
I turned her round so she was sitting on top of me.
"I will never ever hurt you again, ever" I said looking her in the eyes.
" it's okay babe it was a misunderstanding" she smiled
"I love you so fucking much"
"I love you to the moon and back" she smiled
We both fell asleep in each other's arms..

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