The liquid That Burns

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Just a quick recap, jasmine is Emily's evil sister. Who has kept her locked in her house and abusing her however Chris is on his way..

-Jasmine's POV-

Just finished another visit to the bitch,
I thought some bleach would have atleast burned away only a fraction of her ugliness,
It's fun seeing her cry in pain,
Father would be so proud, I laughed at the thought,

I heard a knock at the door,
I groaned and opened it,

-Chris's POV-

I knocked on the door,
It was locked you see,
A girl with long blonde hair opened the door,
"Oh, what do you creeps want?" She spat
"We are here for Emily is she in?" Said Ricky
"No, why would she be here? Pfft go away" she said
"Why do you have that bleach?" I asked raising my eyebrow,
"I..I was uhh cleaning" she stuttered
" 3am?" Said ghost,
"Y,.yeah" she replied
We heard whimpers in the background
"Who is that back there?" Said Ricky trying to barge in,
"The dog!" She yelled,
"That ain't no fucking dig where's Emily!!, I yelled
"Emily is not-"
The bitch fell to the ground with a bloody nose knocking her out,
Ricky's fist lowered and whipped his hands on his jeans,
We bother looked at him in shock
We both snapped out of our little shock from more whimpering,

"Hey what did you do to jazzy!!" I guy yelled with some more guys,
Must be some of the sisters friends.
"Chris go get Emily we will take care of these guys" yelled Ricky,
I nodded and ran upstairs,
I tried to open the door but it was locked,
I then broke it down falling through the door landing on my side,
Emily lay in the corner rubbing her skin while sobbing curled up into a ball,
I kneeled down and touched her lightly
She flinched and turned away,
"Go away" she whispered
I began to cry, in fact sob, I have never fully sobbed in front of anyone before.
She looked at me in shock
" I'd thought I lost you" I cried
"You don't trust me" she wispered
"I do, I'm so sorry I was just feeling down and took it out on every little thing you did" I cried
I stood up,
She did too,
"I guess i can forgiv-" she cut herself off
She fell to the floor screeching in pain and beginning ti sob,
I got down,
"Baby what's wrong" I said in a hurry
"It burns.." She struggled to say,
I noticed the strong smell of bleach coming from her skin,
"Oh god baby hang in there for me okay?"
She just cried. even more,

I picked her up and ran downstairs to see Devin and Ricky hurt and the men on the floor,
We ran out the house and got in the car,
"Ricky drive!" I yelled
He did so,
"What's going on? What's wring with her?" Said ghost
"Bleach, she is covered in bleach!, we need to get her home now or even the hospital!" I yelled
"It hurts," she whimpered
"Hold my hand baby" I said
She held it as she lay in my arms,
She squeezed my Hand tightly from the pain,
Her body shook like crazy, don't worry baby we are almost home..


You know the feeling when your friend has screwed you over more times than you can count.
The feeling where you've been blinded by the one you only really cared about then woke up in a nightmare,
The feeling where you find out that there is really just a knife behind their back to stab you in the heart.
Yeah.., life's a bitch right now,

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