Unfortunate Events..

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-Emily's POV-

My eyes slowly opened.. A burning sensation hit my eyes making my sight slightly blurry,
I noticed I was lying at the side of the road, a sharp pain occurred at the side of my head and my leg,
God, how many times do I have to fuck up,
I struggle getting up,
A strong smell of gasoline hit me making tears run down my cheeks,
I get up, rain started to pour,
It was also dark outside, however when I turned round and I was blinded by a bright light,
I then realised it was a car, a car that was caught in flames,
Shit, ghost,
I ran to the car, the gasoline smell was suffocating me, making me cough,
I then see ghosts mangled body on the ground, he curled up into a ball,
I could tell he was crying, of course the poor souls been hit,
I can't even remember what happened,
"Ghost, your gonna be okay Hun, you gonna be fine" I said tuning him over,
He had a large wound in his side,
I put pressure on it,
He didn't make a sound, just little croaks and a couple of squeaks in pain, my hand shook like crazy in fear,
He then pointed to the car, trying to warn me,
Then I realised, gasoline and fire doesn't mix well,
I hesitated and picked up ghost, and began to run when a giant heat wave hit me from behind causing me to fall and drop ghost,
After the vehicle explosion got my smashed phone that thankfully worked and dialled 911.

All I had to do now was wait..
I sat as we got soaked in the rain, I got my jacket and covered ghost to keep him warm as he was shivering,
I was also shivering, but he needed it more than me,
I'm such a terrible person, Everyone is gonna hate me, I don't blame them, after tonight I should just leave, give them some money for their troubles and be on my way, we should have never met..

I must have passed out as I awoke to a nurse shaking my shoulder and ghost getting pushed into the ambulance,
I followed and sat next to him in the vehicle, another man was pushed away, I think he was the driver, he had severe burns allover him,
I held ghosts cold hand as he attempted to smile at me, the nurse then put him on a drip making him fall asleep,
If anything serious happens to ghost or any of the guys I wouldn't live with myself,
Even though I can hardly live with myself now..


We arrived at the hospital and I was taken to a separate room as ghost was getting operated on,
They checked me out and made sure I wasent hurt,
I decided to call Chris,

-Chris's POV-
I was hanging out a Ricky's eating delicious juicy chicken wings with a delicious spicy sauce when my phone rang,
I licked my fingers and answered it,

"Hey Emily what's up!" I smiled
"Chris something terrible has happened" she said like she was on the verge of tears.
"What baby what's wrong are you okay" I said concerned.
"It's not me its ghost,Mae are at the hospital, Chris ghosts been hit by a car!" She sobbed the last sentence.
"Oh shit, don't worry em I'm on my way" I said hanging up.

"Guys we gotta go" I said grabbing my car keys,
"Aww but it's getting to the good bit" whined Balz,
"Guys!! Ghost is in hospital!! He has been hit by a car!! We gotta go now!!!" I said cracking up..
"Oh shit!!! Let's go!" Said Ricky.

-Emily's POV-

I paced up and down the corridor then Chris ran to me hugging me tightly,
Almost knocking me off my feet,
"Hey hey I'm okay, it's ghost you should be concerned about" I said as he cupped his hands round my face.
"I was so worried, what happened" he said softly kissing me.
"I can't remember I'm gonna ask the driver" I said holding his hands,
"You've been through so much pain baby, damn your strong" he smiled
I smiled back,


We were finally allowed to visit ghost,
He lay there motionless in the hospital bed, his face extremely pale with his eyes dark as night,
His white cracked lips made a small smile,
"Hey" he said very quietly,
The guys surrounded him and greeting him, Ricky making the odd joke or too making him slightly chuckle,

"Does it hurt" asked Chris
"I..I guess a l..little" he said smiling
"B..but if it w...wasn't f..for e..Emily, I may not b..be here" he said looking at me, I looked down in guilt and sadness,
I knew that wasn't true, even though I can't remember I know that I caused this, I always cause them trouble,

We talked for a bit
Yet I excused myself to talk to the driver who was in another room,

"Hey I'm Emily, I was wondering if I would tell me what happened today" I said.
"Well I don't fucking no you were the one who ran out onto the road" he said in a mood,
Great I have to deal with an asshole fucking yay..
"C..can you please explain what happened I..in m..more d.detail as I wasent hit...m..my friend was" I said my anxiety kicking in.
"Hey!! Listen all I did was drive then your creepy friend of yours ran out also but pushed you off the road and the stupid bastard stood still, causing me to crash and wreck my fucking car!!!" He Spat,

I was disgusted..
Not just his attitude but the fact that he was the one who saved me..
I didn't save him, he saved me..
I pinged the elastic band that I had on my wrist. My face turned pale and I felt sick,
I need to stay away from them. I need to get out of everyone's way..
"Y..you s.should .p...p..probably w..watch that m..mouth of y...yours" I stuttered as I ran out of the hospital.
Now it's time for me to go..

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