The Guilt That Runs Through My Veins

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-ghosts POV-

Chris invited the squad to his house to hang out, I felt bad for Emily, I heard she fainted due to her working to hard, poor em, she has been through a lot of shit, some times I wonder how she can cope,

-Chris's POV-

The guys are coming over, Emily is in her pyjamas, this consists of shorts and an I resized shirt, she did her hair and makeup, I told her there was need but she insisted,
The guys came to the door and entered,

-Emily's POV-
When I saw the guys I forgot that only Ricky,Chris and ghost know about my scars,
Ryan and balz however,
They walked in Ryan staring at my legs,
I looked down in shame, I was gonna run back upstairs but Chris's arm was in the way, he began to rub my back as if to say, it's okay I'm here, I calmed a little and we all began to Make ourselves at home, we all watched movies,

-Chris's POV-
Ryan, kept staring at Emily's scars the whole time, her anxiety was kicking in I could tell from her breathing, it was shaky and she blinked a lot while biting her lip, I opened my arm so she could snuggle into me.
She did so,
Ryan got up and whispered in my ear,
"Can I have a word outside"
I nodded and kissed Emily leaving the room going into the back yard,

"What?" I said annoyed
"I didn't know she cut" he did bluntly
"So what, you didn't have to stare" I said getting pissed off
"How can't i! There is fucking scars all over her legs," he said

-Emily's POV-
I walked to the kitchen to get a drink and noticed Ryan and Chris talking outside, I hid behind the door to see what they were discussing,

-Chris's POV-
"Why are you acting like this!" I yelled
"Chris, don't think I'm stupid I've seen this before!" He said
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"I've seen friends have chicks do this shit and all they did was cry cry and cry for attention" he said
This angered me, I knew that was not true, Emily was and still is ashamed of it,
I grabbed hi by the collar and bring him face to face,
"You have no idea what she has been through you understand me, talk about her like that again and it's the end of you" I said in destain,
He nodded quickly and ran away home probably,
I walked back inside to see Emily making herself a drink, she heard it didn't she..
I hugged her from behind, her head lowered in sadness,
"Don't listen to him baby" I said
She didn't say anything, she just held my hand,
Nothing but guilt went through my veins all day after that,

The guys were having fun while Emily watched giggles could be heard when one of them died on Mario kart, I just watched her the whole time, she then lay back and her head rested on ghosts shoulder as he played the game,
She ended up falling asleep, but then shooting UK awake silently now and again,
Seeing her being a nervous wreck is killing me inside, I didn't show it but I could fucking feel it.
Why can't people just leave her alone, now my own band members are judging her,
This is embarrassing, a band where we accept every fan no matter what their past, appearance, illness, sexuality or religion is and we still have members who don't accept others,mot makes me sick,
Ryan does not normally act like this, he normally is just an idiot, but just now he is being a proper dick,
I sighed and carried on watching the guys play Mario kart,

Hey guys, sorry this chapter sucks, I lost ideas for this chapter,
I always find that I get writers block after I have written a piece of drama in the story,
I apologise for this, so if I don't update in a couple days it's probably cause I just can't think, a lot of shit on my mind at the moment so it's hard to concentrate on everything at once,
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter,
Hope you guys are okay, I always like to know that your okay and if not then I am willing to talk to you,
I care bout you guys, y'know xx
I'll see ya when I seeya I guess
Xxx bye xxx

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