Even if it kills me

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-Chris's POV-

As I sat on the lonely bridge, a shiver ran down my spine. I think it's time to head home, I give up,
As I stood up something caught my eye, was that a hoodie?
I recognised the hoodie. No..
I quickly scattered to the side of the river and jumped into the cold water, that was a bad idea.
It was getting dark so I could hardly see and I was getting dragged down by the current.
I could see Emily under water, she was at the bottom getting dragged across the mossy rocks at the bottom of the water, she didn't seem to be moving,
Oh god hang on for me em, I'm coming..

I reached the surface finally and began to swim, I grabbed Emily, unfortunately by the hair,
And held her bridal style as I swam to the side,
I boosted her lifeless body up onto the grass and I got up myself.
I crawled to her and turned her over, she was so cold,
I tucked her hair behind her ear and checked her breathing,
She wasn't breathing..
I placed my hands on her upper chest and began to preform CPR,
Every time I pumped a mass of energy left my body making me weak,
"Come on Emily" I said pumping her chest
I placed my lips on hers to give her air,
"1.2.3" I said then giving her air,
I checked her pulse, it was so faint.
"Come on.. Don't leave me baby, please, breath for me" I said becoming more and more emotional
"Baby please!!! I need you in this, come back to me please" I started to sob still pumping her chest,

I stopped when my arms became practically jelly. I had no energy whatsoever
"Oh fuck" I wispered to myself crying into my hands.
"Why?!!! Why do you hate yourself so much!!! I loved you!! I don't want you to leave" I cried heavily,
"I need you" I whispered in her ear
All of a sudden a fountain of water formed in Emily's mouth then choking and gasps for air came from Emily,
I shot up and hugged her tightly,
She didn't make a sound, just a couple of squeaks, in pain?
I don't know but as long as she is alive that's all I need to know,
"C..Chris?" She said quietly
"Oh god Emily I was so worried, I thought I lost you" I said still crying
"Oh" she said
"Emily baby why? You didn't need to do that, I need you here with me" I said rubbing her arms,
She looked down,
"I..I keep failing you all, I hurt ghost cause of my foolish error and I keep causing you trouble" she said quietly
"Don't you see? The guys have been really cheery since you arrived, it wasn't your fault it was the drivers fault, he drove too fast," I said claping her cold cheeks,
"Ghost hates me" she said looking away
"No actually, he adores you, he is glad that there is someone that is quite just like you, come on, please don't do that again, next time you feel like this you come to me or one of the guys okay?" I said
"Okay, I'm really sorry" she said
I kissed her,
"Apology accepted" I smiled
I picked her up bridal style and began to walk home, meaning we have to walk through the forest, soaking wet I. The cold, well we are gonna get the chills for a couple of days,
I parked the car at the park yet I can't seem to remember which way I walked to get here,
Her small hand gripped into my t shirt as she lay in my arms as I walked though the cold forest.
"It's okay baby we are safe" I said holding onto her tightly gripping onto her legs,
She gasped a little,
"Oh sorry am I hurting you" I said as I stopped walking
"A little." She said, I loosened my grip and she closed her eyes,
She will probably get covered in bruises in the morning but something tells me it ain't the bruises that are hurting. No I'm probably just overreacting.

About 20 minuets later I found myself lost, in the middle of a fucking dark forest.
"Baby I'm gonna have to put you down a minute" I said putting her down,
She starred at the ground. Shivering,
I got out my phone,
"Don't worry I'm gonna call the guys to come get us" I said
At Least I did t jump I. With my phone in me cause that would suck.

"Hey Ricky can I-" Ricky cut me off
"No go ask Balz" he said as if he just woke up,
I realised it was like midnight,
I called the others and they all refused
The only one I didn't call was ghost, be he is still recovering
I sighed and called him.
"Hey what's up" he said
"Hey ghost are you able to pick me and Emily up, we are at the for sent and we are kinda lost" I said
"S..sure I am j..just watching TV a..anyways" he said
"Thankyou so much I'll tell you later" I said hanging up
"Okay SEEYA soon" he said


I saw the car lights shine though the trees, I picked Emily up and ran,
I put Emily I. The back seat and lay her down and kissed her fore head, I closed the door and explained
"She took all the blame, the guilt and took over and she jumped, I thought I'd lost her,but I brought her back" I said
"I..its m..my fault Chris, I was t..talking to r..Ricky about m..my ex and she overheard m..me a..and t..thought s..she was t..talking about her, t..that's when she ran" he said looking down sadly.
I put my hands on his shoulder
"Everything will be fine" I said

He drove us home, Emily was asleep in the back,
I picked her up and took her inside,I then ran her a warm bath,
She asked me to get out the room so I did,
I got a shower in the spare bedroom,
We both got into bed together and her head rested on my chest,
We both yawned,
"I love you Emily, so fucking much it hurts" I said
"I love you too, your my world" she said
"I'm gonna make you love yourself again, even if it kills me" I said
We both feel asleep in each other's arms.

Two in one day, damn you creatures are lucky, tee hee, my hair is blooooooo, it looks black but ain't as black as my soul...
Hope your enjoying the story so far,

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