Red Stained Ice

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-Chris's POV-

I awoke from Emily shooting up awake,
I sat up and robbed her back as she was panting for breath,
"Another nightmare?" I said
"Yeah" she said quietly lying back snuggling into my chest,
"What was it about?"
"You" she said
"It was of you when you fell, but you didn't make it" she said her hands shaking A little,
I held her hand and kissed even finger, then rubbing it against my cheek,
"I ain't going no where em,don't  you worry" I said, she nodded,
"What you wanna do today?" I asked
"Dunno, I'll ask the guys and see if we can go somewhere, I'll drive" suggested Emily,
"Remember I don't want you wearing yourself out," I warned
She sat in top of me cupping her hands round my cheeks,
"Awww come on chrissy pissy, it's only a little itty bitty drive," she teased acting as if I was a baby,
"Oh hush you, It won't be that when your falling asleep on me and I'll be like I told you so" I said
"No you hush" she said outing her finger in my lip,
I blushed and kissed her gently,
I crept on top of her,
"Someone is eager" she grinned
My phone then went off,
"God damnit" I said
"Yes?" I sighed
"H..hey Chris?"
"Oh hey ghost"
"I was wondering if you Emily and the guys wanted to go ice skating"
"Uhh yeah sure see yea soon one o clock?"
"Yeah s,.sure" he said


"Hey em we are going ice skating get ready!!!" I yelled from upstairs,
She ran upstairs,
I wore my usual black jeans and a black craft cult shirt and leather jacket,
Emily wore shorts and thick black tights and a wooly oversized misfits sweater with some doc martins,
"Looking all set up for winter" I smiled hugging her from behind.
She kissed my overly tattooed arms,


We hopped in the car, I decided to drive, Ricky sat in the front playing with the music, Emily and ghost were talking,

-Emily's POV-
"Have you ever skated before?" Asked ghost
"No, I haven't since my mother passed, s..she used take me out all the time" I said getting a little emotional.
The sadness passed as he placed his hand on my shoulder, he smiled and so did I,
"sorry, she will be proud of you, you know that right?"
"I guess.."


Everyone put on their skates apart from balz and Ryan Ashley, they stayed in the warm watching us out the window,
It was cute to see Ry knitting a small pair of gloves for her baby, they due to have their baby shower soon and have their baby around Christmas time which is coming in all so fast,
I shook it off,
We all held hands standing in a live and at the same time we all stood onto the ice,
Ryan and Chris fell almost instantly making me and ghost all most  collapse from laughing,
"Not funny" said Chris getting up wiping some ice dust stuff off his cute little butt. ^_^

We all set off skating but Chris stayed at the side looking at the ice,
I skated to him,
"You alright?" I said
"I'm just a little nervous that all" he said blushing
"Aww it's okay, here hold my hand, I'll start you off" I said holding his tattoo hands,
He squeezed my hands in fear, he kept his eyes closed shut,
"It's alright I've got you, you won't fall and if you do, you'll land on my anyways" I chuckled,
He relaxed a bit and watched his feet,
"Now follow my lead, left then right" I said he did so,
After a while he let go,
"There see not so bad now is it?" I smiled
He blushed "thankyou em" he said and began to skate slowly, I later off to see ghost skating alone,
He smiled but then his eyes went wide,
I turned to see Chris losing his balance charging right towards me, he then fell making me trip over his leg making me fall head first to the ground,

-Chris's POV-
I sat up,
"Ahh my neck" I said cracking my neck,
I got up to see Emily lying on the ice,
I skated to her and kneeled down, her eyes were slowed and the ice stained red from blood,
"Em?! Emily! Wake up!" I said worried
Her eyes slowly opened,
She then snorted killing the serious moment and began to laugh her ass off,
"Em are you alright, your hurt!"'I said rubbing her back as she sat up,
"You fell"'she laughed
"Oh shut up" I laughed
I helped her up and we skated to the side,
I took off her boots for her and she did mine,
"You guys are just goals" stated Ricky,
"Pfft we ain't goals we are gouls" said Emily making me chuckle and kiss her head,

We left and got some Starbucks and I took Emily to the bathroom, we went in the family bathroom and sat her on the counter of the sink, I got water and washed her wound, the water turned red in the sink from the blood, I cleaned her up,
"Are you sure your alright" I said worried
"Yeah, I'm fine, it's not that bad actually" she said
I gave her a tight hug and we left the bathroom,

--- I drove home dropping everyone off,

We got into the house and curled up in bed watching horror movies

"Oh yeah, I was thinking on going to visit my moms grave tomorrow" said Emily quietly
"Oh yeah sure, you want me to go with you or?"
"Yes please"
"Okay, I love you Emily, I'm really proud of you"
"I'm proud of you too Chris,I love you"
I smiled at that..
She makes me feel so happy..

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