She shook her head, "If you can carry me this far, then I can at least walk for half an hour."

He helped her up, "Alright." He would see how well she held up in a little bit.


They had been making good time. Alona was holding up well. She would stumble every now and then, but he would catch her and make her rest until she felt better.

They were almost to the town, they just had to walk a little further. They were right outside the Dead Zone.

Alona had been keeping an eye on the abandoned city since it came into view. Arlo had told her that the Rebel City was near the under the Dead Zone.

Arlo stopped at the edge of the city.

"Do not leave my side." He whispered.

"We're going in there?" She whisper-yelled.

"We have to. The entrance is in the middle of the town." He leaned against the brick wall of the building. "We are going to move through the buildings. People usually camp on the rooftops. People that they won't let inside. They take it out on anyone who passes through." He checked how many rounds were left in his clip.

She pulled her pistol from her bag. She thought of her nightmare. She wondered if she could honestly bring herself to shoot someone.

She adjusted her arm in the makeshift sling. She watched Arlo, he was breathing heavy.

She laid her hand on his arm, "We're going to make it."

He stared at her. She had no idea what they were about to go through.

"Don't leave my side. Whatever you do, do not leave my side." He grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him.

She nodded her head, "Okay, okay."

He stopped under a broken window. He used the butt of his gun to gently knock out the rest of the glass.

"I'm going in first." He pulled himself up into the window. The room was empty. He could tell no one had been in this house for awhile, a thick layer of dust covered everything.

He leaned out the window, Alona took his hand and he pulled her inside.

Alona knew she had to look ridiculous trying to climb inside the window. Luckily for her, Arlo was extremely strong. He pulled her inside and held her hand.

She knew he had to be on edge because he was not even trying to hide it.

"You look silly aiming a rifle with one hand." She whispered to him.

"If I let your hand go, then you have to hold onto my jacket or my belt or something." He whispered back.

She nodded and he released her hand. She held onto his belt loop. She felt so useless, even with a pistol.

They moved silently through the building. The only noise was a creaky board every now and then.

Arlo searched for side windows. He wanted to move as quickly and silently as possible.

He moved through what used to be a kitchen and spotted a bay window, in the next house over. It was at the back of the house. He crept over to the window, he could feel Alona pull slightly every now and then.

The bay window was completely busted out. Bullet holes lined the walls on either side. He crouched next to the broken window. Peering out he saw a window directly across from them.

"This is the only part where you stay here while I run across. Wait here, while I check it." He whispered. She nodded, she was making an effort to actually follow his orders.

He hopped out of the window and darted across the alleyway. He hopped in the window, happy it was low to the ground.

This building looked like a general store. Empty containers were strewn across the floor. A rat scurried across the corner of the room. He leaned out the window and motioned for Alona to come.

She ran across the alley and climbed inside the window. She sat and grabbed her left shoulder, she squeezed her eyes shut in pain.

"You alright?" He asked. He knew she wasn't.

She stomped her right foot.

"Let's stop for a bit." He said.

"No. Let's just get there and be done with this." She whispered through gritted teeth.

She stood up and leaned against the wall.

He began walking through the building. She looped her fingers through his belt loop.



Sawyer :)

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