At All Cost

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Her bedroom door continued to get pounded on.

Cammi screamed in horror as she quickly backed away from the door. From her peripheral she saw her bed. Without thinking Cammi sprang off the floor and searched for her phone. When she found it, her hands trembled as the banging continued.

The phone slipped between her jittery fingers, as the rattling of her knob started. She rushed for the phone and hurried and dialed in 911.

"Leave me alone!" her voice shrilled.

Then everything went silent again.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency," the commercial voice went.

Cammi's breathing labored as her curious eyes stayed on her door.

"Hello are you there?" The voice went again.

Turning her attention back to the phone, Cammi nodded as if they could see her, "M-my...some," she never took her attention off the door, but lowered her voice, "there's someone i-in my house."

The voice calmly gave her strict directions and told her someone would be there soon. They even promised to stay on the phone. Cammi chewed on her fingernails while the operator kept asking questions. It was good to be on the phone with someone.

"I have to call my brother," Cammi said. She needed him more than ever.

"Are you sure?" the operator asked.

"They're on their way?" Cammi questioned.

"Yes ma'am, they're minutes away. Stay hidden," they directed.

When she hung up from them Cammi dialed Hayes phone. To her surprise it went straight to voicemail. She called three more times just to receive the same result.

"What the hell?" she hissed.

Lowering to the floor, Cammi gulped before looking underneath her bed. The light gave no resolution for her sight. She shined her phone's light in front of her to see dust and a few pair of shoes scattered. In the mix of that was a metal baseball bat that her dad gave her when she tried out for softball.

She hurried and grabbed it. Clenching it tightly, she pulled it to her body. With slow, steady steps, Cammi made her way to her door. She couldn't understand why she was going to check out the house, but she knew she couldn't stop herself either.

For seconds she stared at the door. Nothing. Cammi gradually opened the creaking door and looked both ways. The darkness consumed her house. One foot in front of the other, with her knees slightly bent, Cammi's hands kept wrapping themselves around the warm bat.

Poking her head over the wall, she saw that her front door was closed and something else.

The kitchen light was on. Looking back to her lit room, she took a deep breath before quietly continuing down the hallway. Halfway there she stopped in steps and dropped the bat from her hand.

"Oh my God..." she trailed off.

In front of her was the word 'Alone' written in dark red color, but what scared her even more was that it was in the shape of her name. How was that possible? Beads of sweat began to form, as her breathing slowed.

Without thinking, Cammi rushed to the wall and began snatching the sticky papers off the wall. She was almost done when the doorbell rang.

She jerked away from the wall, wiping at her forehead. In a hoarse voice she asked, "Wh-who is it?"

"This is the police ma'am." A feminine voice went.

Relief fled through her body. She rushed and opened the door, that revealed two uniformed officers. One of them being Lona's mom, Officer Taylor and the other one she wasn't familiar with.

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