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The cool air wraps around his oval shaped body as he stealthily walks in the shadows of the night. Overhead, the crescent moon glooms over the quiet neighborhood. The sound of the fierce wind keeps the man on high alert. Each sound he whips his head in the direction of the source. This is a serious matter. It cannot be taken lightly.

As he approaches the designated two story brick house, the man looks down to his black gloved hands. Can he really go through with it? All this for a secret? He can just turn around now, and forget about this preposterous mission. Tucking his chapped lips into his mouth for warmth, he stops at the bushes and wonders. The man then leans against the cold bricks, and begins weighing his options.

It is no doubt in his mind, if he does not go through with this, his secret is out. Jackie keeps to her word. She has always been a loyal son of a bitch to that. Why can't she just mind her own? He would not be in this predicament if it weren't for her.

"Why did-are we stopping," a worried voice whispered.

The man abruptly pushes off the wall and turns away from his partner. He does not want his partner to see his weakness; fear. Collecting and composing his emotions, he turns his head over his shoulders, and gives an uneasy shrug. He studies his partner's posture only to come up flummoxed. He wants to see consternation or obscurity, but the problem with this is the weather. The wintry weather could be a major contribution to the partner's constant shaking, or they can really be scared out of their mind. He did not want to ask and find out.

"We do this," their small face glowing in the moonlight as they take a step forward. The grass crunches in response, but not loud enough to alarm anyone. "We do this. No one gets hurt. If we back out now we are both screwed." When the person notices his face not faltering, they frown. "Dammit to hell. I cannot taint my name. Not like this. I promised you no one gets hurt."

The man feels his insides quease. He isn't sure why, but what his partner was saying did not tranquilize his fear. What if this goes wrong? His knees buckles at the thought of it. He's not equip to handle situations such as this. It'd just be easier to come clean now. Maybe the world will understand his hidden liaison. They have to.

Maybe he can convince his partner there is another way.

"Loo-" he was cut off by a wet gloved hand, covering his mouth. His eyes darts from his partner's to an oncoming car. They quickly fell to the ground, and hid behind the bushes.

The man ignores the seeping wetness, from the grass going into his faded jeans. His body goes completely still as the car slowly drives their way. The headlights blurs his vision for just a moment. As his eyes readjust to the scene, the car slowly drives past.

Relief bolts through his body like a flood. What if this is a sign? A sign that means leave now.

When he knows for sure the coast is clear, his attention turns to his now standing partner. "We can't do this. What if she sees us?"

The partner's eyes narrows in clear frustration. "I sure hope she does." Malice clear in their voice. The man's body shook at the apparent evilness. His partner really wants to go through with this.

"Maybe we can reason with her," he tries.

The man did not even see it coming, only felt the aftermath of it. The stinging sensation burns his already cold cheeks. He places a hand on his burning cheek for reassurance it did not fall out. His eyes wildly searches his partner's. "Why'd you do that?"

"To knock some damn sense in your ass. We're doing this. I promised you no one gets hurt, and I mean just that."

The man frowns in response, "then why the hell do we have guns?" He is growing upset with his partner's dominating trait. He once admired it, but now he is beginning to wonder why. Will this situation make him come to the realization that his partner will always be this way? He does not know how much longer he can take.

Carefully he watches for hesitation-anything, but receives none. The partner's face only glows with confident. "To scare her. Look this is me and you. I promised you from the beginning, nothing was going to happen to you, and I mean that. If anything or anyone comes in between that promise I have failed you. You're the one person I cannot fail. After this we're in the clear." And just like that, he allows the person back into his life. He will never be able to let go of what they've created, no matter how dysfunctional it is.

When he slowly nods, the partner smiles. The partner latches their hands onto his, slipping their fingers between his, and pulls him from the cold ground. His heavyweight compared to theirs did not affect them much. Maybe it's the adrenaline pumping through them. He wish he had some.

"Now let's go conceal our secret." The partner let go of his hand slowly made their way around the bushes.

As they slink out of the bushes, against the wall, the man tries to convince himself he's doing the right thing. Soon the peaceful neighborhood comes to view. Only light source provided is the street lights posted every five houses. Familiar with the block, he knows this block only has three of them. One of the lights are affixed by a very familiar house he refuses to think of. He would question his sanity if he did.

Silently, they both made their way onto the porch. If anyone looks out the window they're screwed. His train wreck of thoughts kept his eyes scanning the whole perimeter. No one can see them. No one.

A gentle pat on his back brought him back to his partner. When he turns, he comes face to face with the now opened front door. His partner quickly makes their way in, and waves for him to follow. A part of him is yelling to run for his life. And the other...

Turning his back to the peaceful neighborhood, the man lowers his head in defeat. He then makes his way into the dark house. Once in he cautiously shuts the door, and stares at his partner. They both nod in agreement to an untransmitted conversation.

Together, they both sedate their noiseless steps up the stairs. There's no backing out now.

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