Her again

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Pop star Lauren Jauregui did an interview earlier this week where she confirmed a world tour for next year. She said and I quote "Yes I will be doing a word tour next year that will start in March."
Lauren was then asked why she isn't doing anything creative at the moment and she responded with, "I'm always doing something creative. Whether I'm writing songs, recording songs, thinking of new ideas to make my career bigger and better. Not a day goes by where I'm not doing something creative. Plus, I've just gotten back from a 6 month tour that started in January, If anything I deserve a rest."

"Lauren you really needed to get your shit together." My manager Will came shouting at me.

"Why? I did the interview that you asked me to."

"Yes and you just sounded rude. You're loosing fans Lauren."

"Well, If they were really my fans, they wouldn't leave me when times get hard." I say trying to defend myself.

"I know for a fact that if I was a fan of yours, I would have given up on you ages ago. You go out almost everyone night and leave with someone different. You go to radio stations drunk or high. You diss other celebrities. You're suppose to be setting a good example and this is not it. You have young fans Lauren, do you really want them to think that it's ok to do this?"

"Fine, I won't do any of this anymore." I say truthfully.
"I won't go to nightclubs and I won't bring random girls back.

"Listen, I don't want you to think that I'm stopping you from having fun. I understand if you want to let your hair down and have fun, but just not every night. Maybe once every couple of months."

"Ok." I say with a smile. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look at it and see that it's Noah, I quickly walk out of the room so I'm by myself.

"Hello." I say.

"Hey Laur, there's a party tonight. You in?"

"I can't. I've just had a lecture from Will about me not going partying anymore."

"Well then don't think of it as partying. Think of it as a small get together."

"It's never a 'small get together' when your around.

"Ah just come on Lauren. Just tell Will that you're going to see me for a bit. Say I've got a song that I want you to see."

"Fine, but if he finds out, I'm killing you."

"Ok deal. Be there at 7 so it looks believable."

I walk out of the room to see Will still standing there on his phone.

"Hi." I say.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yes, I just thought that I'll tell you that I'm going out tonight." I say and he starts to look angry, but before he can say anything I continue.
"It's not a party so don't worry. Noah has a song that he wants me to see. He think that it can could be my next single and I honestly need another song."

"Why do you?" He questions.

"Because I haven't brought a song out in ages. I'm going on tour next year, I need new songs to sing. I can't continue to sing my old ones. Plus, I know how good of a writing Noah is, I was thinking of staying with him for a while and writing with him."

"Ok, just don't drink."

"I promise I won't."

*5 hours later.

"So, you liking the party so far?" Noah shouts in my ear.

"Fucking amazing dude." I shout back.

"Good, I've got some people that I'd like for you to meet. Follow me." He says guiding me to the back of the room. Once we've stopped walking I see a few people seated around a round table, but the only person that caught my attention is her. The girl from the other night that didn't even give me a second look.

"This is Normani." He says pointing to a dark girl, who may I say is extremely beautiful.
"This is Luke." He says pointing to a blonde boy with a lip piercing.
"This is Taylor." He says pointing to a blonde girl who seems extremely tall. Not my type.
"This is Austin." He says pointing to a dark haired boy with his hat on.
"And lastly, this is Camila."
Camila. Camila. Camila. It sounds so perfect. She looks incredible tonight. I take in her full  appearance and I notice that a arm in around her shoulders. I look to the person who arm it belongs to and it's that Austin jerk.
"And this is Lauren." I hear making me look at Noah. "Come sit down." He says pointing to the seat next to camila.

I make my way towards her and I feel my hands begin to sweat. I can hear my heart beating through my chest. Why though? I've never felt this feeling before. It's probably because she turned me down. Yeah, that's got to be the reason.
Once I reach the seat next to her I sit down and look at her. I see that she's looking directly back at me with a smirk. A fucking sexy smirk must I add.

"Hi." I hear I say.

"Hey." I respond.
"I didn't think I'll see you so soon."

"Neither did I." She says.
"But we can't control what happens right."

"Right." I say taking what she looks like in more.
"So are you and him like together?" I asked.

"No. He's been trying it on with me all night. He just doesn't get the hint." She says leaning closer to me so our noses basically touch.

"He doesn't seen bad, why not?" I asked and she leans into my ear just like she did the other night, right before she walked away

"Because I don't like dicks. I'm a lesbian."

"So what I'm hearing is I have a chance." I say and she giggles into my ear. That sound is just pure sex.

"There's a hotel about five minutes away. I'm staying there and it's my last night here. Why don't we go there and whatever happens happen."

"Lead the way." I say standing her. She quickly gets up and starts walking in front of me. Her arse looks so good in those jeans. Once we're outside we're surrounded by paparazzi's.

"Who are you?"
"You was the girl with Lauren the other night."
"Lauren doesn't fuck twice. Are you and her serious?"
"Are you two dating?"

I felt a hand grab mine and looked down to see that it was Camila's. I couldn't help my smile.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I hope you like this chapter!
If you have any suggestions or  questions please tell me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night❤

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