You can't

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"I know someone is in here."

"Shit." I hear Camila say next to me as she pulls her top back over her head. She sorts herself out so that she looks presentable and I'm still laying on the bed.
I see Camila go towards the door and open it. It's isn't open fully so the person who is at the door won't be able to see me.

"Oh hi Ally." I hear Camila say.
"Aren't you suppose to be at work?"

"I finished early and Troy wanted me to see if everything was ok at the park. Why are you here?" I could hear the suspicion in Ally's voice and my nerves were getting the better of me.

"I just came here to think." Camila makes up.

"You do know your not allowed in here right. You could get in serious trouble." Ally says.

"Sorry, I didn't know that. I didn't think it would be a problem. I won't do it again." Camila says and at this point I'm trying not laugh.

"Well seeing as I'm here and so are you, why don't we talk in there." Ally says and my heart stops. She can't know I'm in here, she'll tell Zayn.

"No!" Camila pretty much shouts.

"Why?" Ally questions.

"Because I was just about to go." I didn't hear anything else, instead I just saw the door open and Ally walk in. She looked at me wide eyed and I was just the same.

"I knew you had someone in here." Ally says facing Camila for a brief second but quickly turns her attention back to me.
"And you, how could you do this to Zayn?" She says pointing to me.

"Ally it's not what it looks-" She cut me off by stepping towards me and shouting.

"Don't ever start with that lame excuse. Your in a relationship and your pregnant. Did you really think that you could get away with having sex with Camila?"

"We weren't having sex." I answer truthfully.

"But if I didn't come by you would." She says and I couldn't answer because I knew it was true.
"See you can't even answer!" She shouts.

"It isn't just Lauren's fault." I hear Camila say.

"No but she has a lot more to loose. Your not the one in a relationship or having a baby. She's the one that should be ashamed of herself." Ally says still shouting.
"I'm telling Zayn." Ally says facing me.

"No. Please you can't do that. I'll do anything. I'll stop seeing Camila, you just can't tell Zayn. Please Ally." I beg.

"Zayn is my bestfriend Lauren. I can't keep this from him." She says and I felt tears coming down my face.

"You can't ruin what me and Zayn has. He'll be devastated Ally."

"I wouldn't be the one ruining anything. This is because of you, not me. The other day I spoke to Zayn and the only thing he was talking about was how excited he was that he's having a baby with you." Ally says so calmly.

"Don't make me feel badder than I already do." I say and Ally just laughs.

"You should feel bad. Zayn is a good day. And the fact that you Camila broke up because she cheated on you. You're a hypocrite!"

"Please just don't tell Zayn." I beg once again.

"I won't, but you will. You have a week to tell him and if you don't, I will and I mean it." She says before turning her back to me.
"Don't ever speak to me again." She say to Camila.

I am fucked. I can't believe I've let it get this far.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I hope you like this chapter.
if you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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