Capital Fuck-Ups

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Crushed, the dreams of the future they are broken and scattered across lands unfamiliar to those who hold the keys in their hands. Shall we begin our journey once more across a dying land, a dying world full of misplaced desires, misplaced people? Can we line them up and return them to their rightful places across the seismograph of time? Abusive are the winds and the sands of reality, and the loneliness we feel in the darkness beyond are the only things we have left to cling to at the end of the day.

Where is my mind tonight, is it trucking along the avenue and trying to find it's way home as I knock back another Budweiser and toke on the Mary Jane one more time? I feel like there is nothing more for me as I gut myself inside out like a Halloween pumpkin.

I'm just sitting in the corners of my mind hoping someone's coming to save me. Except nobody supposedly cares... I'm no suicidal maniac, I know there's too many of you emotionally scarred freaks of nature who have issues like a box of tissues... but I'm also knowing there's a bunch of sick fucks out there that love the attention. I sit far and few between here, trying to decipher if my body's finally gone or if I never was in that portal situation in the first place.

Is there a mirror?

Who's face will I see?

What will I face?

If I exist in another time, who will fuse with me and cause me pain?

Is it me, or are we jus' devils in dog's clothing waiting for God?

I'm dying inside.

I'm sorry...

Can you sing me that lullaby, I'm getting really tired daddy ...aren't you proud of me for getting student of the month? Daddy, are you still there? It's dark in here, I can't see can you put my nightlight on? Dad, why'd you have to fuck it all up? Why? Daddy, don't make Mommy cry...


Make it stop.

I can't stop crying.

The lights go off...and I'm ready to sleep.


Tale Of Souls (Cathartic Nightmare)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang