Back in Black (27)

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"Look what we have here." Strode's strange black Irish face was two inches from me. "My toy has come back to me!" His thin, lanky and bony hands scraped against the collar of my shirt and tightly clamped together the fabric between his fingers and picked me up.

"I AM NOT YOUR FUCKING TOY." I didn't just quip, I tried to wiggle free. I'm gathering I got a whisk of Yasuo's abilities, and I created a portal towards where Kam and Strode where. "PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN GODDAMNIT."

"Oh look the little girl is squealing for her mommy!" The voice was Asian, but it wasn't out of Strode's mouth. It seems that I found Kam and Strode without even trying. "My brother has a habit of picking up has-beens and turning them into wannabes."

"Kam, this is one of the fusion experiments from the Minnesota Government." Strode spoke as if we weren't in Minnesota, and indeed we weren't. It looked like a forest, except it looked like redwoods on crack.

"Smash it's head in. I could give a shit." Kam was a heartless bastard, of course – he didn't give a shit. Him and strode were supposedly only interested in ridding the world of everything. Beyond that? If they could stop time, and make everything cease to exist – it would be icing on the cake.

"Can't smash it, we're nowhere near our goal yet." Strode took his hand off my shirt and dropped me to the ground. "Him being dead isn't a good thing, they still have to come find him alive before we have our visionary death of existence."

"You guys are fucking terrorists aren't you?" It was the stupidest thing beyond everything else I could've said – of course they were terrorizing bastards, terrorists would've been an understatement for everything I can see that they've done. I didn't know how to get out of this mess, and I didn't know how the hell to create another portal.

"Shut the fuck up you stupid child!" Strode picked me back up by my collar and threw me towards the tree behind me.

"YOU FUCKER. You said you'd fuckin' MENTOR ME AND NOW YOU WANT TO REMOVE EVERY LIVING THING FROM LIFE AND MAKE A BLACK HOLE?" I yelled as he threw me, but as soon as I hit the tree I blacked out.

"I never mentored you, you went psychologically perverted all on your own you idiot." Strode quietly walked away from the bloody mess he created and snapped his finger, creating a ring of fire around me and the rest of the forest. "Let's get going Kam, we have another world to destroy."

Within moments the fire was inches from my feet, I wasn't even fully conscious. I noticed them leave in a portal of Strode's making and suddenly everything went white.

White as the stars in the sky, and all I could do was assume I was about to die in the midst of a load of fire. I could smell sulfur, I could smell burning grass and trees – and I couldn't see yet.

"Sparky, do you think I'd just let you die in the middle of nowhere with these assholes?" Kaji's voice rang out in the middle of the flames around us. How he found me I won't know. "You aren't on another planet this time you moron."

"Then where the fuck are we?"

"Shakopee, you know that strange ass area down south near The Valley fair you keep yapping about?" Kaji slapped me a couple times with his gloved hand across the face and then helped me up from the ground.

"That's strange, why here?"

Of course i was stupidly wondering why we were here. Of all places, why not the fucking university campus so we could tinker with science to kill people ?

"Easy, We're here for one thing. You have Yasuo's memories, he's ok he's awake now – but you essentially have a copy of his memories."

"Fuck, you expect me to use them? We're in the middle of a burning field, and you want me to pick at these memories I got from that boobed alien?" I was pissed off, as you could tell – I almost burned to death without any information as to where these assholes went.

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