Deja Vu Much? (25)

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There's a saying about the haven that we currently reside in. Despite the education, despite the mentoring and the caretaking - Something is no longer as it seems. Problems arise; déjà vu won't be the diagnosis this time... People are going missing, things are going missing. I wish there was a better way to explain what I saw in front of me - but the wiring in my brain is far what it used to be. At this point in time,

Kaji keeps hiding into the depths of the Library computer system, researching his life away. He's the fire laden Einstein - and anything he attempts to explain to me is like another language. As far as Inuko goes, she's one step away from everything - its moan, cop a feel and hope for the best. Funny how all that goes - you'd think there was a better way of saving Lily - instead of fusing together.

Nothing seems to be progressing, and nothing seems to be moving forward in time either.

They say this place is like a Dollhouse, cracks in the wood underneath the pristine paint. Izuchi's house of broken disjointed dolls you could say. He seems to talk like we're perfect - trying to hide the disaster within. Something is up, and I'm not sure what to think.

I wasn't stupid - I had my moments - I needed to know more about behind the curtains. I decided it was time to snoop around, albeit chances of me getting caught were higher than I'd like. This was important, things were not as they seemed and it was bugging me. I need to know why this Dollhouse isn't getting fixed from the inside out.

I stood quietly far enough away from the doorway of Izuchi's office. Enough that he'd only believe I was pacing the hallways in solemn insanity. He'll sense me, but hopefully he won't catch onto my spying - or lack thereof. I'm sure this is going to make me look like the most unintelligent person on the planet after I'm done...

"Izuchi..." Shiro's voice was clear, he and Izuchi of course , shared working premises together. Kinda gay if you ask me, in which obviously you didn't. "Izu, talk to me..."

"Why... I can see through your venetian blinds you stupid mouse...."

I would like to say with x-ray vision (NOT!) Izuchi's eyeballing a pile of work. More like he's flicking through paperwork and not even paying attention to it, it's a sense of boredom or rather ignoring people when he's angry.

"I don't understand what you're on about..." Shiro's voice was still clear, but you could tell this wasn't his normal accent. His English was clear, far more American - eastern end of the Midwest spectrum with a southern hitch to it. As polite as Shiro always is to the students, he's known for being impolite and growling at Izuchi. So not to hear him swear in mangled Japanese-English vernacular, was quite the amazing feat.

"Defying my abilities isn't your strong suit Michael. I realized long ago that you saved Shiro... how long will these charades last?" Izu's face was pained, painted with the same veneer the Dollhouse so exhibits...

"As long as your mazerfahcking pink shitty dye lasts..." Shiro's accent subsequently returned, proving the partnership underneath the maroon scarf around his neck.

"Oh so... you are alive? How appropriate, carry on."

"Of Course... I'm not dead after all..."

"Yet... You went and fucked up half if not all of my plans."

There's the crack, but still no true proof - unfortunately I'm just going down for hearsay in the court of law. Maybe I can get a good lawyer, get me a nail salon or a laser tag business and run away from all of this mess. Running away won't solve anything, so maybe television will if I just manage to get out of here with my brain intact?

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