Murder time - Break's over.

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I had blacked out after the incident in the 'basement' – with no more trinity mark I was supposedly my own soul – my own man. Kam, or Satoshi as he's also known – may not be the boss, but he has his own agenda when Dmitri isn't pulling the strings. In this case, it was to attempt to fully engage the rest of my kill switch. Despite the fact that Kaji burned my mark off, parts of my consciousness still existed – I still could feel my past. What was to conspire next, would be more than just a horrible act.

"Very well young man, you've surpassed my expectations for your first test." Kam smiled at me in his somewhat own villainous sardonic business corporation bastard way.

"Great... now what." I was growing bored; becoming someone everyone hates isn't easy. Worst part about it is, your old self-creeps back if you don't keep busy.

"It's your job to get rid of her now."

"You have to be fucking kidding me."

"Nope, you have to do it with your cold bare-skin hands."

I gulped; I didn't expect him to have me murder her. I didn't want her to suffer at my hands, or anyone else for that matter. I may not be right in the head anymore, but she doesn't deserve death.

"You can't tell me after all that we've taught you over the years that you'll just back down?" Kam grabbed me by the chin and stared straight into my eyes.

"I have no fucking clue what you're talking about." I growled lowly, curling my upper lip in utter hatred for not only the situation, but for Kam as well.

"You're the version of violence we're looking for in the devil's eyes you realize that?" Kam grinned back at me and pushed me against the wall. "Everything that has ever happened to you since you were a child was because of the government. You are mine."

Images would be rushing and making me black out hopefully by now. Instead, there is this horrible feeling of acid reflux burning my esophagus and my innards. Kam's steel-capped boot went into my stomach within seconds; I fell straight to the floor in pain.

"Kill the girl, or that boot won't be the only pain you're going to feel." He wasn't grinning, and it became a scary thought... his face reminded me of the guy that sexually assaulted me, er Lily... when I er... Lily was younger.


"You aren't her so why can't you?"

"I suppose the next thing you're going to ask is for me to ruin and kill your brother?"

Kam laughed and picked me up by the collar and spit in my eyes for no apparent reason at all.

"Don't you understand young man; you've been doing my bidding ever since you left that jail. Every SINGLE day you've been causing pain, you are my puppet Justin." His words stung, worse than a wasp by this point. Within minutes, he decided to drop me to the floor and phase out through the wall and into another room quickly.

I just can't deal with this, and hang on to the sense of my identity with all of this going on. I'm facing the fact that this will all send me back to jail, and I will no longer see the light of day.

"For fucks sakes, just do as the guy is asking ok? If you don't you'll be shoved in the damn basement to rot for all eternity."

"Yea, don't piss Kam off... he has an army of lab rats in that basement ready to eat your head off"

I kept hearing voices of the others that lived in this place as I sat on the floor grasping at my stomach. The acid and the stress were eating away at me, and I could not vocalize what I needed to do. There's two options, one is to do it how he asks and be afraid of murdering someone again – or fake the death and fuse with her so nobody can see her again.

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