Pink Swear Sweet Sixteen

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I felt like my eyes were opening but I didn't wake up in jail, or in the copper's world. I woke up in another timeline, as someone else... things I saw before.

"Lily, don't look at me like that, you know what you have to do."

The only thought I had was that this was another time where I wasn't around yet, and my eyes were the same as Lily's.

"We can't be friends if Justin still exists."

"I'm sorry Shania, I didn't mean to hurt you."

Oh great, it's high school. The worst part about this, is that I have no control over what I'm saying.

"So this means you'll be a girl again for me?"

I loved that bitch, but not that much.

"Yes, I'm really sorry! Don't leave me."

It's a little bit funny, how these feelings are inside me. Platonic love for a girl that didn't love me back, and it took me years to realize it was an abusive relationship. Someone started to hit the fast forward button a few years to a point in time I never realized existed...

"Shania, I'm SORRY. I didn't mean to tell people that about the role play."

"Go to hell and DIE."

I tried to run after her, after we got off the bus... I don't even know what I did, she slapped me across the face – and the rest was a blur. I don't understand this at all, there's a seething anger where two friendships were evilly removed from me.

"Rachel, don't talk to Lily, she's a horrible person."

"I Don't get you two!" I yelled, from the other end of the hallway, my classmates were seriously stupid enough to believe the rumors about me...

Another pause, rewind, skip and fast forward later and it seemed odd... I was sitting in the middle of a night club in New Zealand. Lip Sync competition and a few drinks later I was talking to a really tall androgynous person. Same button same time.. and three months later it was me, but in a female body... dating this androgynous person.

"You can't tell me you love me when all you do is talk to me on the internet..."

"Sakishima... I'm..."

"You're what? Sorry... you can't be, you are incapable of knowing what is right or wrong."

Writing to her was a release, but I could tell something was missing.

Is this really me, or am I gone?

Do I exist, or are the memories of me that are being created to subside a form of dementia, disorder and insanity?

"Justin, wake the fuck up man – come on, just cause we're all in a jail cell for beating up a few officers doesn't mean you can lay on my lap." Kaji growled.

"We're not in a jail cell, and you're not on his lap now wake up." Terrin laughed, "You blacked out before we even got to the auditorium."

"What do you mean?"

"Narcoleptic much?"

"Oh god, I'm so sorry."

"It's OK, we took care of it – you're safe ok?"

"I feel like such an ass, did the talk go ok?"

"Well yea, but the little kids hid under their chairs cause they all think I'm scary."

I sighed, and hid under the covers for a minute. Think of the most anti-social moment you've had, and then triple that. I DO NOT want to face anyone after that narcoleptic dream. This should not be all about me, but somehow all paths lead to me.

"You kept yelling in your sleep state about a murder." Kaji spoke clearly, and was obviously wondering if what was in my dream was true.

"I was supposedly accused of murdering Strode and Kam." I looked over at Terrin, "I may be an asshole... but I'd never outright murder someone."

"We'll have to see – and not because I don't believe you, but because this timeline collapse means a part of you could have without us knowing." Terrin frowned, "We've had reports of people missing for the same reasoning... and we've had people dead because of this collapse... things are quickening, and we have no time to spare."

"I don't get it. Where do we start if we have no time?"

"Backwards, with the first key- telepathically."

"But Izuchi has no ..."

"Izuchi didn't want to be in charge if he knew that he had to do that. Shiro and Izuchi BOTH will be sitting in a room with you later today and attempting to piece what the first puzzle pieces are. They've already interviewed those of us who have admitted to be keys." Terrin nodded... this war we are fighting is at least organized. Terrorizing, trauma-laden bullshit if you ask me – but at least we have a plan?

"I hope you don't mind, but it could be the only way to sort some of this out before things go haywire." Terrin looked over at Kaji, "When the time is right, Kaji is going to go with Yasuo back to Tasogare and see if we can find some clues there."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that our war has started, you are our first key – and several of us follow, we need to organize and plan our game, or we will lose before starting properly." Terrin started to growl a little. "You're missing every little point about this issue, it's not all about you – and you can't assume that we're going to pander to your SHIT." His words completely became a large boiling pot of acid, and I felt every single spat fly onto my skin. Talk about 'burn factor' – this was the stupidest shit to come out of his mouth since the day he decided to dump Lily.

"I DON'T FUCKING EXPECT YOU TO PANDER TO MY SHIT TERRIN. THE SHIT I SEE WITH THESE EYES EVEN IN BROAD DAYLIGHT ARE LIKE A HORROR STORY IN THE MAKING." I yelled so loud that my throat became coarse. I couldn't stand their attitude with me, and so I just walked away... this is a mess I can't fix.


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