Ch 11 - Raging Country Girl and a Ramen Bowl

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Chapter Ten

Raging Country Girl and a Ramen Bowl

"Sit still you shithead, you got a shard of glass in your head."

"I AM SITTING STILL YOU FUCKING MORON." I grumbled, but in the back of my head, I couldn't tell where the fuck I was.

"Sit still you twat, you got a laceration, and a concussion – lucky for you that blackout wasn't entirely mental." Terrin's face was stern, it wasn't exactly something to wake up to when you get back out of a blackout and a flashback.

"What happened..."

"You blacked out, you fell over and got a concussion and a cut on your head. From there it's been audible recounts of every flashback since you were 12."

I was hoping he was kidding.

"And no, I'm not kidding."

Damnit, something is definitely strange with this week, I've been blacking out more, and now I'm audibly recounting all my flashbacks since I was still a girl.

"I have posted it all to YouTube, and you'll be in for a movie deal in five weeks with the Warner Brothers production company."

That was Izuchi talking; he always found something funny to add in after I did something stupid recently. I barely knew him, but he knew me more than he knew anyone else for some reason. He called it intuition, I called his bullshit when I found out he was a psychic.

"Justin, your flashbacks are a real concern, now that you're awake would you like to engage the contents within them?" Izuchi raised an eyebrow, while he had a clue possibly why I was the way well ... nuttier than a bucket of peanuts mashed into peanut butter- he didn't know the direct cause. I guess that's why I'm here, to beat the evil out of me.

"I just blacked out, had a concussion and you expect me to talk about things I don't even remember?"

"I'm no academic professor you idiot, I just want to see if you'll let me have a tinker." He was blunt, and of course, his cigarettes stunk because they were lights. I hate lights; I see no pleasure in smoking tasteless bullshit.

"Tinker all you like, I hear it's a real party in there."

"Ooo, I like parties!" Izuchi grinned, and promptly tried to place his hands near my head.

I without fail grabbed his hand and squeezed, but not because I wanted to – but because it was second nature.

"Don't touch me."

I could feel something burning inside, almost like another stupid mini flashback – but like I had a well-oiled machine that kept me busy enough to pent up enough rage to get someone without looking? That made no sense, I don't know what's up with me, and I just know it's like kerosene and a match.

"T... Justin, what's up?" Izuchi was freaking out because my hand wasn't just squeezing, it was melding with his and I couldn't focus because his powers were definitely starting the full force of interacting with mine.

"Sorry..." I tried hard to pull away, and I couldn't – eventually Izuchi just bowled over backwards away from me and thankfully taking his hand with him intact. I have to admit, there were times in memory now that people have lost limbs trying to play with me in fights.

After that, all I could hear in my head was a voice saying something along the lines of... 'I wasn't expecting to tinker this way, but this will keep you from misbehaving if I'm around!' Great, I have Izuchi, the pink haired spider web freak in my head – hopefully not permanently.

"It's ok Justin, I'm alright – but I gather I don't have to do much to get inside there now." Izuchi dusted himself off and got up. This surprised me; nobody has done this and just gotten up and walked away. This is not fair; I cannot control this hatred and rage inside my head. And now it's taking over more often – I don't get it.

"No, but it's freaking me out."

"Tell me what you see."

"Besides you?"

"I'm standing in front of you ..."

"No, I mean I literally can't see anything but you and my eyes are closed."

I was freaking out, I felt like I was seeing from his eyes and looking at him at the same time.

"That's the psychic abilities you just acquired, a small part of them albeit. Try to see if you can steer them to see something else... It's sort of like driving a car if you know what I mean, or walking down a street." Izuchi put a set of gloves on and held my hand, realizing it was still a risk even with them on, and with that, he squeezed like I was on my death bed.

"You can do it."

"Sure I can, but the question is, do I fucking want to."

"What are you saying?" He questioned...

"I don't want to do this, it's nothing to me, and I don't want to know if I did something evil or wrong. I just want to move on." My head was spinning around like a song from an average metal band LP – I felt whiplashed and screwed in the head.

"You are a fool."

"I don't want to know."

"I don't think you have a choice."

I sighed and bolted up after trying to open up my eyes, it was like a bright flash of a nuclear meltdown mixed with fireworks. I could not see anything – not with my eyes, but I could with my mind. I really hope this shit fades.

"Terrin, do not fucking walk away from me, please just stay here."

"I'll walk away if I goddamn please, I don't see any of that fucking effort you promised me."

"Terrin... please."

I gulped; I changed my tone a tad and begged him not to go. I felt as if my world was starting to crumble and not just 'crumble' but become devoured by the beast within me. As much as I wanted to keep that switch intact, there was no way in fucking hell I could. Not at least without friends and without friends what sorts of people are we?

"You aren't Lily. That shit isn't going to work on me."

And I was right back to where I started from, alone and dead inside. So what was the fucking point in figuring this out? What was the point if nobody trusted me, let alone gave a shit about me? I am lying on a slab in a medical ward in my hometown – one window near this room shows me White Bear Ave, and the windows in the room show me the other side of Prosperity Park. I don't get it; I do not understand my memories – I do not understand them at all.

There is a complete side to this I don't understand more than anything. Why didn't they just kill me when I got here?

My friends all left me when they realized that the narcolepsy was not a medical condition. When they realized I could dream about the future, the past and the present and that I could not understand a thing until I got my ADHD meds. Yea, my friends were petty and shitty.

Worst thing is, I swear to god I saw one of them walking down the hall the other day. She saw me, and then her and this other chick I swear I knew also – they just freaked out and ran the other way.


'You aren't lily.'


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