Keys Keys and More keys

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"Something's wrong..." Inuko spoke out with fear... something was going on and I couldn't get to her, everyone else was in the way. Does this mean Lily's the next key?

"What's the matter Lily?" Yasuo softly asked, standing behind Terrin.

"I can't see."

"What do you mean that you can't see?"

"The visions are happening again."

Fuck, her narcolepsy isn't narcolepsy and she's going blind from these stupid visions of other times?

"What do you see?" Terrin questioned, "What are your visions saying?"

Inuko's head darted to the left, facing Kaji's bed.


Kaji darted out of bed, and stormed out the other end of the room. He stopped at the doorway and growled and turned around to face everyone.

"How the FUCK does she know that?" Kaji snarled, "I NEVER RELEASED THAT EVEN TO IZUCHI."

"I forgot to mention, Reiko can somehow figure out how someone or who someone is right before she has a bunch of her alien babies." Terrin darted his eyes away, "It's some innate trait she got from dad... I mean, Tensei's.. I mean, dad... OH GOD THIS IS CONFUSING."

"Don't FUCKING lie to me Mizzou-boy, I spent time trying to hide EVERYTHING about me so I couldn't be tracked, and now some alien wench finds me?" Kaji growled loudly, "I told you when I found you Tensei, I wanted privacy – you didn't even know what my name was then or who I was.. or where I came from."

"Kaji, don't leave... you still need rest."

"No, I need to leave – this isn't somewhere I'm safe."

"Safe from what? Goddamnit, if you're such a secret then why the fuck are you here?" Somehow this smelled like he was hiding something else...

"I broke free of the government about three months after we got to Tokyo. That's when you first met me Sparky, and you thought I was older than you. I carefully started detaching from who I am so nobody could find me. My brother Evan was kidnapped in an incident before I joined your renegade group... right before you got thrown in jail." Kaji sighed and walked towards me, "In another time you were a lot more of an asshole, and I'm glad you have the guts to change that here – but it isn't going to count for much if we can't win our battle."

"Kaji, what are you on about?"

"I'm the fifth key, and Lily's the third... Izu-san's the fourth. Now you're missing the sixth and half the fourth."

"Who says you're missing the sixth?" Saitou piped up, "I just didn't want to say anything until I was sure this was the place to mention it."

"Half the fourth, what's the other half?" I questioned quietly, confused at the situation we've been placed into. Inuko, who's now half Lily and half Reiko has got one in a million in the oven, and we're realizing where the rest of the keys are...Does this mean we'll get this shit sorted and relax before the evenings out? No, I realize now the keys are only half the battle, and that it has nothing to do with figuring out who I really am. Unfortunately this just means there's going to be that itching feeling the rest of my life if we live until the end. Inuko's head darted again to the right and stared straight at me...

"Justin David Terrance, also known as Lillian Meredith Hoefsteader, age 21." She seemed so cold, and Robotic in her tone of voice...

"I know goddamnit, I know..."

Tale Of Souls (Cathartic Nightmare)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ