The Mental ward (30)

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Tensei couldn't speak anymore at this point and I couldn't get a word in edgewise with all the noise around me. This noise, it was the fire - and it was catching to the corn fields around us. The theory that we could die before getting the key was creeping me out. He seemed to be dying, but something else was happening to him before the Grim Reaper was to come around for a visit. The timelines were merging further, and it seemed anyone who had a mirror was merging. Either we're too late, and this means we're all going to die - or we're just going to have to live with the fact life won't be the same.

"Justin, shut up I'll be ok in about five fucking minutes. You whine more than Lily does."

The voice, wasn't Tensei - and the voice wasn't unfamiliar either. It seemed that it was either the timeline merging - or Tensei was dying and Terrin was his mirror - or both. I was double taking the situation - I didn't have a chance to go back and get Terrin... so how he'd be here at the same time I don't know.

"WHERE the fuck are we?"


"And that is?"

"Farm fields ablaze... yellow orange in a phase, my home in Missouri I return to you..." Terrin's voice faded in and out slowly as he coughed and tried to climb out of the field... "I can't move."

"I can't move my hand, I mean I can - but my arm feels like it's a deadweight and I can only reach lightly.." Terrin was frustrated, for such a man who was able bodied, climbing in and out of tractors since he was young to now be unable to get up and out of a corn field full of fire. Something must be going on- from either another timeline, or someone drugged him?

"Can you sit up?"



"I DID GODDAMNIT. YOU DON'T THINK I COULD FUCKING SIT UP IF I HAD THE ABILITY? THEY DON'T FUCKING HAVE A CURE YET YOU MORON." Terrin's voice was much higher than usual, masculine but much more direct and different. "S-sorry..."

"Something's going on, we have to fix this before the fire comes to get us.. I'm not disabled, I can pick you up out of the fire and move you back through a portal if I have to.."

Something was strange, like a bad flashback of a time when things were much different. Before I could open my mouth to mention my ease to help - it seemed we were transported in and out of a different time. A time when we existed differently, I seem to remember having dreams about this. Dry land, wars about religion and politics, instead of money and ending the world. Fundamentals that base their rules of the land of things that happened eons before our time. Terrin's image of himself, to me seemed the same - but as soon as he looked at me his voice changed, and he seemed to have a different view of who I was.

"Why are you here?"

"You, know why I'm here Terrin."

"No, I don't - I didn't expect you here for another couple years." Terrin's voice seemed a little surprised, confused but light and confident. Quite different from the strong and confident one he graces usually...

"I don't get what you're on about... we were just in a fucking cornfield."

"No, we're in my room, and somehow I fell out of my chair.. and I need someone's help to get back into it."

"Terrin, we were just in a cornfield... there was fire, after Kaji.."

"Kaji? Who's Kaji, ...oh you mean Skylar Phoenix?"

"I guess... but Yasuo.."

"LILS" Terrin laughed, "Stop talking about your headmates and plushies, seriously and come here and someone will be in to help me back in a minute"

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