Lucy! I'm Home!

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I was outside Kam's complex in Northern Minneapolis, sitting on the hood of an old beat up 57' Chevrolet. The situation was making me realize that Kam wasn't probably the only one in charge, but it's not like I had any way of getting through this mess. Falling back into old habits, I'd already lit up a joint to try and soothe my nerves. I had a good toke of what was in my hand before I could hear someone walking up behind me.

"Justin, tell me how do you see yourself in ten years?" A familiar voice rang out from behind my car, you see I took back into smoking weed to calm my nerves.

"I don't, because Kaji – this is one fucked up situation."

"You're smoking weed again, you idiot. After all we worked on you go back to being a druggie."

"I got kicked out of the haven for a mistake that wasn't mine."

"Same here, Izuchi tore the haven to shreds and let everyone know where he stood on this issue, and it flustered me. Ten bucks says we start up our old renegade and fuck Kam and his.." Kaji stopped for a moment and realized for a minute where I was standing on all of this for once... "Wait, you don't remember the renegade do you..."

"No, I don't – and who the hell was that tattooed bastard anyways?"

"Justin, in every timeline I know you in – we've been in the renegade together, somewhere between you going missing and in jail and now you've forgotten that. Ryan went NUTS looking for you – and in every time shift we appeared in he'd been there – do you not remember?"

I snarled, this was all too confusing.

"Who the FUCK is Ryan?"

"He's you. Think about this Justin, you are one in three." Kaji sighed, "On your right forearm is what you think is a burn mark from sleeping and smoking, it's actually your trinity symbol."

"He's the catalyst?"

"You think far too simple, he's a pawn, a key and a cog and wheel JUST LIKE YOU. Izuchi doesn't even remember him – Those of us who do have been through several timelines just to help you regain control and fight your demons. Ryan's had the same game, the same path as you – but he had far less strength and succumbed to the nightmares."

"Whatever... I just I don't have time for this."

"You want that golden carrot don't you."

"Why not, nobody else wants me back there... might as well be independent again. It's all I'm fuckin' used to and it's nearly eight months since I was out of jail." I growled lowly, and turned around to face Kaji. "Skylar, you can't fucking tell me you wouldn't consider the idea of having more control if you were in my seat."

"Sparky, you'll never control yourself if you keep fucking up like this. Don't eat the moldy cookies he's got in the fridge, all you'll do is die of food poisoning." Kaji sighed and slapped me behind the head.

"Change is imminent, but it isn't always good change. You can't fucking tell me you don't just want this all over and shit to be back to normal?"

"No, I want this done the right way – don't you turn your back on Terrin and Izuchi and just walk off... do this the way we worked out."

"That flowchart was bullshit."

"You fuck-nugget... what is WRONG with you."


"Self-destructive, look he's back.. it's an encore of 2002!"

"I didn't get to fucking clean my slate with my father's damn brother, I was interrupted while I was over there after they tracked me down when we used the 411 call... and I was meant to see my parents – but one of em' doesn't even want to talk to me, so if I just reinvent myself as a whole new person and drop that I ever existed as my past THEN I will be a better man." I snarled and pushed Kaji in the shoulders, the rage I had inside was quite large, and from the previews of this movie – the rage wasn't about to die down any time soon.

"Don't start a fight with me sparky, you won't win."

"I'm starting one because I WILL WIN."

We stood about arms-length from each other, as if we were long time brothers. It's only been about six months or a year since I got taken out of jail and put in Izuchi's haven, and everything just keeps getting stranger and more disturbing. The heat of the moment rose, and without fail Kaji turned around quickly and punched me straight in the face with everything he had. Busted lip and a solid black eye within minutes of the impact.

Did I mention how much of a banana skin kid I was?

Manly on so many counts now aren't I?

"I win; now get your shit together."

"I'm not leaving; I got everything I need here to continue on living." I was lying, there was nothing for me here and I couldn't stand the thought of feeling like a failure.

"Welcome to the wrong side of the tracks, you've now become the demon." Kaji's face was sullen; he was trying to reach for what was left of me. "You've done just exactly what Ryan did in your situation, and yet you had far more strength to avoid it..."

"Whatever." I ignored his plea, turned around, and walked back in the house as soon as my joint was finished.

"Who is this young man that is pining for you outside?" Kam questioned me as soon as I stood on the porch. He'd phased through a wall, rather than walking out the doorway to meet me. His face seemed stone cold and uncaring as usual, wearing a suit and tie that didn't fit around his tubby like appearance.

"Kaji, he seems to think I want to return somewhere I'm not wanted."

"And you let him hit you?"

"I don't fight people that aren't worthy of my fists gouging into their face." I was being a smartass, and continuing my journey into the front hallway. It was like a mansion in the middle of the ghetto, clean crisp hallways and strange artwork.


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