Delusions on Century Ave.

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Driver picks the music, Shotgun shuts his cakehole – back seat slaps the leather for percussion. Can't tell you how much I've missed my car. We're not even driving y et and Ryan and I are arguing - typical sibling style. His pre-apocalyptic fears and flashbacks can cause a fury of disagreements. If we weren't split people would assume we're insane – they'd be right.

"We can't go...." Ryan stared out the window – I tried to lock the door, but he just unlocked it and furrowed his eyebrows in response.

"Shit, not this again. Izuchi actually asked us – so we're going. Stop this ..."

Every thirty seconds I watched Ryan get in and out of the car like he couldn't make up his mind.

"We need Lily..."

Yea, that's really going to help your case...

"Reiko bit my hand when I asked so... NO."

That was the truth, I still have the bite marks and bruises from even asking Inuko..

"Well try again..."

Open the door, whap your head and let the monsters punch you a few thousand times, shut the door and repeat situation.

"Black eye from Terrin..."

Ok, yep – more truth to the situation there...

"We can't go."

UGH. Stop this bullshit!

"I'm starting the car."

I wasn't lying, the key was turning and I got another lame response yet again..

"We can't go – something will go wrong."

"We take risks, we're going."

"I am serious. This may change everything permanently..."

I turned the car on and locked the doors. This wasn't something I wanted to tempt fate on. I have to see this through. What's the worst ? Damien disowns us?

"Stop the car again please!"

We were already half way down Century ave when he yelled out again. I wasn't stopping now – I have a feeling he hates cars. The landscape here hasn't changed much – so I guess it's causing flashbacks.

"Justin... STOP!"

"We're already on the damn way to his place, a few more blocks and we're OK."

"Says you... I'm already fucking hyperventilating..."

"Flash backs?"

"NO. I just extremely hate cars."

I grinned, and turned carefully into the driveway of Damien's property and stopped the car. I unlocked the doors and opened my door only to find a golden retriever running towards me and nearly bowling me over. Damien standing on his front porch and grinning...

"Kiddo... Get in here, and that doppleganger of yours." Damien motioned for both of us to go inside, laughing as Meghan (the dog by the way...) pounced on top of me and slobbered me. I'm surprised she even understands who I am...

I guess dogs know more by scent than anything else?

"HI PUPPY. Yes yes I haven't seen you in a couple years... I'm surprised you even know it's me... BLEH HI. Geeze, can I not go inside?"

Ryan sat in the car still, shrieking. Meghan made her way from me into the car happily sniffing and drooling, slobbering all over him. He didn't realize that to her he smelled similar to me...

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