Things Are Out Of Hand

Start from the beginning

Everybody plastered a shock look on their faces, but Josh didn't budge, he continue to speak "Johnny my dear brother, I love you but you need to find someone else, Kyle I love working with you buddy and Ana you know if there is anyone in this world that I want to work with the most that will be you but I can't work with you guys on this." Josh is really decided.

Meanwhile, Ely is puzzled; Josh mentioned everyone in the room except her and he doesn't turn his eyes at her, not even once, never.

"You're joking right?" Johnny said.

"You can't do that Josh" Kyle butts-in "We will start filming few days from now." Kyle is really anxious.

Ana didn't react, she knows Josh very well, and something is up. They never had the chance to talk yet about his family trip, but Ana can sense that Josh's decision has got something to do with Ely.

"Is this about me?" Ely asks.

Ana prevented herself to laugh, she's right, it has something to do with Ely, the Josh she knew is very professional and he always separates his personal feelings from work but when it comes to Ely he becomes different.

"Yeah, it's you, this is all about you." Josh answered straight to Ely's face.

"Really, brother?" Johnny said, he looked at Ana asking for help.

Ana shrugged her shoulders, Johnny gave her a more intense look, and Ana had no choice but to balance the situation.

"Josh, I know things are getting personal but you can always set aside your personal feelings from work." Ana is trying to convince Josh.

"Not this time, Ana" Josh answered with determination.

"Will you please stop acting like a child" Ana raised her voice a little. "You will quit because Ely doesn't want to be with you, are you that childish?"

Johnny is surprised, he knew how straightforward Ana is, and she can be blunt sometimes but not like this. Not under this kind of circumstances anyway.

"I can't work with her alright." Josh said, he looked at Ana like he's asking for her understanding. "I can't pretend and act like nothing is going on, there is something going on between her and Kyle and I can't just blocked that and be professional, because no matter how hard I try, it won't work, things will be personal."

"Josh please" Ana tries to calm Josh and convince him to change his mind "they had been together before, what's the difference now?" Ana wanted to tell Josh that's it's over between Kyle and Ely, Kyle told her but she's not in the position to tell that.

"What do you want me to do huh?" Josh said.

"Be the Josh I know" Ana said seriously.

Ely can't believe what she's seeing and she's undecided on whether she's impressed with Ana or she would be upset because Ana can calm Josh. Then Ely wondered 'how can she do that?' Ana can turn Josh to the kind of person she wants. How about her? She affect Josh in a wrong way, she could turn Josh into a person he wasn't supposed to be. Ely come up with a decision instantly, and she didn't hesitate.

"I'll quit" Ely said in an instant.

"Great" Ana said with sarcasm. "What is wrong with you two? I hate to say this but you are both stupid."

"Hey, hey," Johnny pacified Ana "That's too much."

"What? I'm just stating a fact here." Ana said then she faced Ely and asks directly "Ely, you knew that if you quit you will lose all your right with your stories right?"

Ely nods, she didn't utter any words, Ana faced Josh and she boldly speaks at him "Josh, you knew that giving up on the role wouldn't help you forget Ely right?"

"Whoa, Ana!" Johnny tried to withhold Ana from speaking "Kyle is just right there he can hear you?" Johnny said.

But Ana didn't halt, she instead included Kyle in the conversation "Yeah and Kyle please tell me... will you allow Ely to be stupid and give up everything for Josh."

Before Kyle can answer Johnny butts in "I think his answer would be obvious." He points Kyle and winked at Ana.

Ana froze in a moment. Did Johnny wink at her? She felt a slight thrilled but she composed herself "What I'm trying to say here is... can we just be professionals, like real professionals. Is that too much to ask?"

"I am not giving up my story because of Josh" Ely butts in "I just thought that it would be the wisest thing to do, I don't want to cause any more trouble. You had the script, the production is set, if Josh quit, it will be a great loss, while if I give up everything will be fine. I can write another bestseller, I mean...this is not really my cup of tea, I should go back to my peaceful life." Then Ely left the room.

Josh, Kyle and Johnny didn't know how to react, neither one of them can't react with Ely's action except Ana. She chased Ely, asking her to come back. But Ely is so stubborn and ignored Ana.

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