"Just take deep breaths" he says ever so calmly. I close my eyes and listen to the alluringness of his voice.

"I never meant for any of this to happen," I say with my voice shaking. "I'm so sorry," I whisper.

"We both can blame ourselves, you know." Hearing him say that makes me hang onto him tighter. The fact that he thinks this is his fault just as much as it is mine, honestly makes my heart... hurt. Ache. There is a slight knock coming from the door. He steals one last little kiss from me before anyone comes in. He holds my chin in between his fingers so I can't move anywhere. He holds my lips captive against his until the very last second. Slowly, the door opens and Julie walks in, followed by Miss Ida. Following after her is Sam. We haven't spoken since... I push all of the negativity away and focus on what's really important. We're all okay, Lionel is dead and I'm still alive with minimal injuries.

"I was going to give you two longer," Julie says quietly, "but Ida couldn't wait." I barely have a smile on my face before Miss Ida comes to the bedside and hugs me tenderly, not wanting to hurt me. I look over her shoulder and Sam is standing in the doorway still, avoiding eye contact. Miss Ida doesn't say anything, she simply embraces me. Theo rests his hand on my leg after noticing Samuel. I don't know why he does it, but I'm sure it has something to do with, 'We're still together, despite what you think.'

"I've been waiting nervously since you crashed during the surgery," Miss Ida tells me. I furrow my eyebrows and Miss Ida backs away, ending the hug.

"What?" I ask, unsure what she means by that.

"I... uh- I hadn't told her yet, Miss Ida..." Theo tries to say secretly. "I'll let Julie explain." Julie flashes him a glare, as she probably doesn't want to be the messenger. She's very soft spoken and doesn't talk much anyway, but she continues.

"There was a point in the surgery when your heart rate slowed down and basically plummeted so quickly, Carter and I thought for sure that it was your body shutting down. Your heart rate was well under normal for the average person and Carter said yours is a little bit higher than average. There was three seconds where you flat lined. You started breathing on your own again and your heart rate jumped back up to what it was before on the helicopter. We have no idea what caused it, but you're perfectly fine." She squints her eyes closed a little. "Well... not perfectly fine, but-"

"Julie will be keeping an eye on it for the longevity of the time you're here," Miss Ida tells me.

"Wait, you put me under for the surgery? I thought I had a concussion," I say, confused.

"Once you got here, I administered basic tests to check for a concussion and besides light sensitivity, I couldn't find any reason to say you have one. I'm almost certain that you're light sensitive because you hadn't seen the light of day in a week. As far as I was concerned, you are concussion free. That meant it was safe for me to give you the anesthetic to make you sleep for the surgery on your shoulder. Everything went fine; you have a few stitches where the hole was and you'll be wearing the bandage for a while. I gave you a few IV's because you were severely dehydrated and we waited for the anesthetic to wear off. I ran some blood tests while you were under and the only thing that was out of the ordinary was that you had some sort of narcotics in your system. It looked like they had been active more than a few days ago..." Theo looks over at me, stunned. Miss Ida doesn't look the least bit surprised. She probably knew. Julie must have told her already.

"When was I supposed to hear about this?" Theo asks Julie and I.

"I just got the bloodwork results a few hours ago. You were sitting in here with Aphro and Miss Ida happened to accompany me to retrieve the results." Theo sighs and looks over at me. It's hard to tell if he's disappointed, or just relieved.

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