Just Partners Nothing More

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"Watch behind you, too, Theo. Don't think that there will only be one person trying to fight you," I say from the sideline of the fighting plate. Samuel gets a kick on his neck, again not hard, and Theo gets knocked off his balance. So far after a few hours, he's gotten a few bruises and nearly a bloody nose. He's shrugged it all off and gotten back up, but I can tell he's getting tired out.

"How you doing kid?" Samuel asks him in between lunges. Theo refuses to admit he needs a break, so I step in.

"You're done for a while," I say, kind of protectively. Samuel backs off of the plate before Theo can continue. "Come on, get down."

"I'm... I'm fine..." He says breathlessly.

"The goal is not to go until you can't continue. The goal is make you a trained, skilled assassin. It takes small steps no matter who you are, now get down and get a drink." Sam smiles at me and walks over to Ida. Theo jumps off the plate and follows me to get a bottle of water. "You've been fighting on and off for hours with Sam. Please tell me you know he's taking it easy on you, " I whisper.

"Yeah... I figured because of what you told me...but he's showing me things and telling me important stuff as we go... so it's not like I'm just standing there throwing punches..." He is still breathless, reminding me of when I first started with Samuel. I grab two bottles from the table Miss Ida and I were at before and toss one to him. He breaks it open and starts to drink.

"You're doing quite well, Theo. I'm impressed with what you've picked up," Samuel says before opening a bottle himself. "Have you had any sort of fighting experience before this?" Theo shakes his head.

"Not really... besides the training we had before the Divergent films." He is finally catching his breath. "That wasn't learning how to really fight though, just how to make it all look believable." He takes another long drink of his water.

"Well, I guess it came to good use today. We'll take a 15 minute break and then move on to more aggressive tactics. Feel free to walk around the place or just sit for a while." Sam and Miss Ida walk back out of the bookshelf door, leaving Theo and I alone again. He sits down where Miss Ida and I were talking before.

"I tried talking to Miss Ida about letting you tell your family about... this. She said you need to learn to live a secret life like the rest of us." He sighs and looks at me disappointed. "I'm sorry," I say defensively, "I tried explaining it to her but she still is against it."

"That reminds me, I have a meeting with my publicist tonight at seven. That's when I'm going to tell her about the whole quitting acting topic. She'll probably tell every news company within a two hundred mile radius," he adds sarcastically, "but it won't take long before everyone who is a fan knows."

"Could that possibly attract a lot of paparazzi?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah, it could. Why, is that an issue?"

"We need to tell your family about it before we tell your publicist. Then we will have to camp out here for a week, or at least until the news dies down. How ever long that will take."

"Oh, right. Bad things will happen if I'm recognized by someone."

"Odds are, we will need to wait a while before we can go out on this mission. There's probably something we can do in the mean time while people forget about you," I smirk at him and he wrinkles his nose at me. "Most likely a lot of training. You'll need to get a lot better if you think you're going to be my partner," I say sarcastically.

"You're really sassy, you know that?" I let a giggle escape. How can he be so charming? It's almost impossible to be super good looking, kind  and know how to make a girl laugh.

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