Target Practice

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I shake his grip from my hand and I scurry over to the pile of bags we left on the floor to unpack later. I search for his backpack first and toss it to him. He catches it with ease and slings it over his shoulder. I get to mine and take my gun out. I put it into the waist band of my jeans and re zipper the pack. I throw it onto my back, grab Theo's hand again and pull him out the door. I push him out in front of me first, then I flip the light switch and close the door quietly.

"When we get out there," I start loading my gun, "stay back up against the wall of the building. Don't start moving until I get out in front of you. We're coming out of the north side of the apartment, so we won't be seen until we walk around to the opposite side." I pop in the final bullet and put it back at my belt.

"What's the plan going to be if there are people in there?" Theo asks. He reaches around him and pulls out his own gun, along with the bullets. I watch him as he loads it. He puts it at his own belt, waiting for me to respond.

"I'm not sure yet. Remember that being an assassin is a lot of on the spot thinking. Getting in is the first step, and if we can't do that much, it doesn't pay to think ahead. Hopefully there's a door that we can sneak into on this side." I take a deep breath, realizing that I sound nervous. I'm never nervous for these kinds of things. This is a pretty minor task to accomplish. Unless of course there are people there... "Ready?"

"Always," he says winking at me. He pushes open the door, going out before me and I smile to myself. My smile slowly fades as I remember that this is our first mission as a couple. Not that it really matters. I mean, I've talked to him about it time and time again whenever it comes up. I shouldn't be worried. He'll be fine and so will I. I close the door behind me, making sure it's latched and I grab Theo's arm before he can walk around the corner.

"Wait," I say quickly, "remember that we are just partners right now. There's no romance in the air until we're done with this. Please keep that in mind." He nods with a little... disappointment? in is eyes. I move to the space out in front of him and carefully observe any entrances that we could both go through. I don't see a doorway of any kind, but there's a window leading to what I assume is a basement. The camera that was pointed in at us is scanning around constantly, detecting movements.

"There's no way that we can get in without the camera seeing us," Theo whispers.

"Take out your gun," I whisper at him. "You're going to shoot at the camera to disable it. Plus it's good target practice."

"I had enough  target practice. Don't even call it that," he jokes with me. He does as I say and he draws his gun up. His arms are raised above my head and I plug my ears. He fires twice at the swiveling camera, hitting it both times. I watch as it gets blown to pieces, sending bits of metal and plastic flying everywhere.

"There's a window over there," I point out as he puts his gun back. The window isn't very big, but I'm almost positive that both of us can squeeze through. There's no light coming from it, so it's safe to assume no one is in there. I feel my hands shaking against the side of the building and Theo sees it too.

"Are you okay, love?" His hand finds mine before I can turn around to answer him. My hands are trembling even more now that he's holding it. I feel every shake against his skin, making me wonder what's wrong with me. "Are you nervous or something?"

"No, no," I shake my head and see a little fear in his eyes, "I'm not nervous. I just... I don't know. I'm never nervous for this kind of thing."

"Are you worried about me?" I start to shake my head as a natural reflex and I realize he's right. I'm not just responsible for my own life now. I have myself and Theo to try and protect. Only worrying about my own life was nothing. I know my limitations and when to back away. I know when I need to leave. But I don't know if Theo's knows his own yet. I need to know when he needs to stop and get away before he knows, otherwise he's going to get himself in trouble. And I can't lose him too.

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