Chapter Fifteen: Bad Girls Don't Dance

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Okay everyone, I am back and I am back for good. Hopefully my marks keep up. In the mean time, I got plenty of time to write as much as I want and I got plenty to do just that. The next couple of chapters could be pretty nail biting and exciting. We are moving onto a very important part and the plot and I can't wait. There is going to be some MAJOR changes. Maybe you can guess them??

This chapter is like extra loooooonnnggg. I just had to. I read through it and I honestly can't split it into two. So FEAST, feast on this chapter.

By the way, read til the very end. Don't stop until you get to the end. Trust me on this.


"Everyone has to be his own survivor, I know I can make it on my own if I try."


Picture this.

You're sitting at the dinner table, probably ducking air-borne peas your brother is flinging at you. Your mother playfully slaps your dad's arm, telling him to put away the newspaper. Laughter and joy evidently fills the room. You could practically touch the atmosphere with that lovey-dovey feel.

Yeah, feels like crap to me.

Suddenly your glass starts rattling. The table begins to shift. You cling desperately to your brother, quarell already forgotten. Something bad is coming, fast.

That something, is me. Haley Williams.

"When you see my face, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell. When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell."

Singing at the top of our lungs at the back of a stolen truck, yes another one, Grant, Megan and I make the biggest ruckus we could ever make possible, drunkardly clinging to each other.

The truck swerves to the right and we stumble on each other like maniacs, laughing like we don't give a damn.

"I'm going to die the way you morons sing!" Devon says from the front wheel, nodding his head to an absent beat.

A fleet of cars all drove in the same direction, heading to the frat party Megan told me about earlier. We had our kegs ready. We had people screaming in excitement. Everything was just the way it was supposed to be.

I was drunk and happy.

'Well maybe you should join us, huh Dev." Megan shouts, throwing him a flirtatious wink.

"No way in hell! I'm keeping these two delicious babes all to myself tonight. No way am I sharing!" Grant chortles. He pulls Megan and I under his arms, taking a gulp from his cup. I throw my head back and laugh, the cold night air tickling my skin.

"Grant, you naughty boy!" Megan pouts. "How is poor Colton supposed to feel?"

"How is poor Colton supposed to feel?" Devon mimics her in a high pitched voice. "He can suck it up like a man."

Grant and I turn to Colton, who stood silently at the back of the truck the whole time. So dark and brooding he was. He kept staring ahead intensely, his face void of emotion.

The two of us share a look, thinking the exact same thing.

"He can suck my ass!"

"Amen to that!" Megan agrees, climbing on top of the mobile cab. "Sorry honey, but chicks, broes and the rest before, you know, a dick." She smiles sweetly at Colton.

Thinking he had already put a damper on my moods for the night, I demanded that Devon turn up the music.

"I'm queen of the rogues!"

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