Chapter Three: New On The Block And Just Plain Hot

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"So is he hot?" Jane asks and I roll my eyes. Jane was my dance instructor and my mental punching bad where I could vent. Naturally I told her about Colton, minus the werewolf details. Being kicked out of dance class was the last thing on my list.

"Seriously, that is what you asking?" I asked bored.

"Hey, if you not interested maybe I can have his number." she replied playfully and punches my arm. I roll my eyes again and stand up.

"Thanks for the ear." I joke and pick up my gym bag.

"What am I here for?"

I gave her a mocking salute and walked away. I was up early for dance class. It seemed the classes I had the tiniest bit of dedication to had nothing to do with school work. I walked out an alley and into the busy streets. The morning traffic was, as usual, making everyone forget about world peace.

I huffed and walked in the direction of school. I skipped the past two days, wanting to avoid Colton. But the longer I stayed away, the more I thought of him and this is madness. I spent the last two days researching about werewolves and found no loophole in this mating thing. The only thing I could do was make him reject me. I was not meant to be a werewolf or mate to an Alpha and I liked things to go my way.

Despite waking up early, my habit of being late would not go down the drain. I went through the whole "I hate you, you hate me" process with the receptionist, ending with me pulling my tongue at her, and walked to my first class. Gym, wasn't that bad.

I walked into the gym, watching kids scamper around the floor like lost sheep. I pulled my lips into an O shape as some nerdy girl, complete with braces, thick framed glasses, wild wacky hair and acne, got hit in the face. "Ouch, that's got to hurt."

The coach sends her to the blechers for a second in a brutal attitude, as if it was her fault for getting hit by the ball. He regroups the class for the battle of their lives, otherwise known as dodge ball. Why we still do dodge ball in high school? Don't ask me, I ain't Einstein's reincarnation.

"Haley, get yout butt over here." the coach yells. Is it just me or do people like to shout my name randomly? So feeling the love.

Seeing as I wasn't dressed for class, he makes me handle the girl that got KO. Cameron joins me, saying I was incapable of tenderness.

Cameron throws her arm over his shoulder and grips her by the waist, in order to steady her. "You seem awfully touchy." I smirk, wiggling my eyebrows at him. We walk down the corridor at snail pace.

"Oh zip it. This is what you call having a heart." he rolls his eyes. I clutch my chest and widen my eyes dramatically.

"Fascinating. I feel a heartbeat yet I feel no urge to carry a corpse."

"I am not a corpse." the girl's weak voice croaks out. It sounded a bit nasal, due to the waterfalls of blood oozing out her nose. And to think we just leisurely strolling while she is bleeding out her hearts contents, literally.

We ignore her as we continue our little conversation.

"And I don't get why you were missed during you absence." I noticed that frown of annoyance perking up my interest. "Where were you?" he asks.

"Here and there." I shrugged.

"Fine, I guess I won't tell you." he looks on, picking up his pace a bit.

"Tell me what?" I call after him.

"I'm not going to tell you."

"Yes you are."





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