He Buys You Lingerie<3

Start from the beginning

Harry: You flipped the page of your book, whirling around a piece of hair between your fingers. You looked up slightly to see Harry staring back at you. He had his laptop on his lap, but he seemed a bit distracted. you pulled your legs up onto the couch. You sat as if you had a skirt on. You were wearing one of Harry’s old t-shirts that looked at least three sizes too big for you, and just underwear. You didn’t really believe in wearing pants to sleep. What’s the point? You grinned skimming back to where you had left off. Out of the top of your vision you could still see his eyes glued to you, scanning you over and over again like a machine. “Harry,” you stated, “What are you doing?” “Nothing,” he said nonchalantly turning back to his computer pretending to type something. You stared at him, giving him your sarcastic face. He looked back up only seconds later, setting his laptop down on the table in front of the couch. He scooted closer to you silently, wrapping an arm around you. “You know I can’t resist you when you’re wearing my clothes,” he tingled against your ear. It sent shivers down your spine. His lips touched to your ear lobe, sending another couple of shivers down your body. “Wait,” you stopped him. “What?” he whined. You grabbed your thin book mark from the table placing it in the middle of two pages he hadn’t let you finish. “I was gonna lose my spot,” you smirked before straddling on top of him. He fell back onto the couch with an “oof”. You kissed his readied lips softly, but only to pull away quickly. “Tease,” he murmured holding your waist firmly. If you knew one thing about Harry it was that he got so turned on whenever you took charge. You stayed atop him as you trailed his neck with light kisses. You heard him moan softly everything time your teeth chafed against his neck. “Wait Y/N-” he stopped suddenly pushing you off him slightly, “I have something for you.” “Right,” you said getting off of him frustrated, “A condom.” “No no not that-well yeah that too. But here,” he jogged into the kitchen coming back with something in his hand. It was a bag. From a store, “I got this for you today.” “Is this really important right now Harry?” you asked shoving the bag away and grabbing his chin for another hurried kiss. “No Y/N please. It’s important,” you watched his lips curl into a smile as you pulled out lingerie briskly from the bag. You rolled your eyes. “You’re crazy,” you said aloud laughing. “Go put it on,” he pushed you off the couch laughing. You ran into the room ahead of him, quickly stripping into the pink, laced pair. He knew you loved all things pink. Especially undergarments…The moment he saw you he picked you up with the swift of his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling his heavy breathing picking up against your neck. You kissed his lips harshly as he threw you back against the bed. It was his turn to be in control. “I know you just put that on,” he snarled, “But it needs to come off.”

Liam: “Li! Can you go get me eggs and milk?” you called from the kitchen. Your mom’s Christmas party is tomorrow night and you promised you would bring two dozen cookies. “Yeah sure babe,” he said running down the stairs. He was always one to be quick at your side for any service. “I’ll be back in a sec,” he said grabbing his keys and kissing your cheek before running out the door. You smiled. Well you couldn’t exactly cook while he was gone, so you might as well do something else. You went upstairs to your room, practically heaving by the time you got to the top. You are so out of shape, you really need to work out more. You slumped into your room, looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked exhausted. Baking cookies the whole morning really wore a girl out. You brushed a layer of flour off your nose and walked into the bathroom. You had time to jump in for a quick shower before Liam got back with your ingredients. You grabbed a change of clothes from your closet, when you noticed something on the ground. It was a white box. It was a blank box with no writing on it. You shrugged picking it up. You opened the lid, exposing the white laced lingerie staring back at you. You almost dropped it out of your hands. It’s probably from Liam. Christmas istomorrow…You grinned. I’d love to see the look on his face when he sees me in this, you thought silently. You decided to skip the bath, instead spraying three spritz of Vanilla Lace perfume onto yourself. You danced around in it, wearing only the two things Liam had gotten you. You went into your bathroom, combing your hair out. You fluffed it up with the puffs of two hands. You re-applied a layer of mascara and a light coating of lip gloss onto yourself. “Y/N?” you heard being called from downstairs. Crap. “Y/N?” he called again his voice getting closer. You shut off the light in the bathroom jumping onto the bed. You sprawled your legs to your side, lying down resting your head on your hand hoping to look the least bit seductive. He walked through the door, stepping back when he saw you. His eyes widened, but then he struggled to hold back an inevitable grin. “Y/N-” he said as he walked towards you, “You weren’t supposed-” Before he could say anything else you hooked your hands onto his shirt pulling him down onto the bed. He quickly regained control whilst in the air pulling you down to the covers causing you to squeal out in anticipation. “Where’d you find that?” he asked hovering on top of you grimacing. “In the closet,” you managed as his lips met yours. They came closer and closer stopping a millimeter from your hungry lips, “You’re a naughty girl you know that.” You’ve never seen Liam like this. It must be the lingerie you thought. He was never one for the kinky, sort of of sexy stuff. It was always the innocent, sweet sex with him. He never wanted to do anything that could hurt you. You gulped as you searched for the mercy in his eyes. “And you know what Liam Payne does to naughty girls?” he asked his breathing staggering against yours, “He punishes them.” 

Louis: You’ve never liked the way you looked. Your nose too big, boobs too small. Eyes too skinny, thighs too wide. Hands too tiny, stomach too large. And the worst part was, that there was nothing you could do about it. You stood in front of the mirror, looking at the appalling reflection you gave off. Sometimes, you just never felt secure. No matter what anyone said, you would always find a way to put yourself down. Because it was true. You were no model, no Victoria Secret runway walker, no Miss Universe. You were just plain old stupid you. You pulled up your over-sized, gray Paramore shirt slightly, running a dull hand over your stomach. You fidgeted your stance, but every way you turned you still looked fat. Fat. Fat. Fat. You thought about this every week, every day. “Y/N,” you heard your name being softly called from the doorway. You shot your shirt down, twirling around to face Louis. “What are you doing?” he asked hesitantly. “Um-Nothing,” you muttered. You turned to the bathroom. “Y/N,” he said making you stop in your tracks. “Is something wrong?” he asked taking a few discreet steps forward. “No. Nothing’s wrong,” you said your back still facing him, “Why would you think that?” “Y/N,” he said again walking over to you and resting a hand on your shoulder. You closed your eyes. Louis knew you were insecure. But not this much. He twisted his fingers making you turn to face him. “Y/N.” “What?” you cried out a little too loud. “I love you,” he said softer than your tone. You closed your eyes breathing in his cologne, “I love you too Lou.” “Then why don’t you think your good enough?” he whispered. “What?” “I know you don’t think you’re pretty. I know you don’t think you’re thin. I know you don’t think you’re perfect,” he said his hands plumping onto your waist. “Yeah because I-” “Are,” he cut you off, “You are. You’re stunning, thin,and beautiful.” You looked up at him trying to clasp onto the words you weren’t used to hearing. You swallowed. “You are,” he said pressing his lips softly to yours. He pulled away softly looking deep into your eyes, “You are.” You nibbled on your lower lip. “And I have something to prove it,” he smiled. “What are you talking about?” “I was gonna wait till your Birthday but…” he trailed off strolling into your walk-in closet. He came out with a crumpled, brown bag. “What’s that?” you asked confused. “Just open it,” he said handing it to you. There was no tissue paper or anything inside it, but there two pieces of clothing. A bra, and a matching underwear. They were both a striping hot red that burned your eyes. “This?” you asked Louis, “You want me to wear this?” “Go try it on,” he said pushing you into the bathroom. You tried to resist. “Louis now’s not really the time-” “Please?” he asked letting his lips sting your forehead. You sighed walking into the bathroom. You changed into the skimpy duo glaring at yourself in the mirror. You were beautiful remember? You tried to convince yourself off the words Louis had just said. Whether he fibbed or not, you walked out back into your bedroom. Louis was waiting patiently on the bed, with his hands in his lap. He got up the second you walked out, smiling proudly. “See,” he said pulling you with his hand on your bare back. His lips met your neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses. Before continued on he hummed against your skin, “Looks like your Birthday came early this year.” 

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