"CHLO!" I shouted "Yeah babe" she replied running down the stairs, " The lads have gone out for the day to cheer Kyle up so we have the house to our selves, so you know what that means" I smirked "TOP UP OUR TANS" she squealed dragging me to the sun chairs outside "EXACTLY!" I cheered laughing along with her as we lay peacefully in the sun "Yano I hope they sort it because I canni be arsed with their shit all the time" She sighed as Marnie lay down next to us, I shot her a smile before replying to Chloe "Oi use don't say anything but I think he's gonna break it off yano" "Nah way" Chloe gasped "I think its for the best" Marnie added as I nodded in reply "Not only that but they may be better off that way because its deffo not a healthy relationship they have and why should Kyle have to stay with her if he's not happy. Not to mention that this is just as much Holly's fault and she needs to stop playing victim and Stop blaming Kyle" I huffed "What's the beef with you and Holly" Chloe asked "There's no beef were civil but she pisses me off too fuck, I guess were just too different" I sighed "She is pretty annoying when she complains 24/7" Marnie smirked "I' I Get you, I think its cause she never takes blame for anything" Chloe suggested as Marnie scoffed "Not only that but she was Jealous when Alexia first came to the house, she called her a slag and all that shit and got pissed when everyone else liked her, And she doesn't like the fact that Alex will tell her straight" we all burst into laughter "what can I say im a straight talking bitch" I giggled "And we love ya for it" Chloe smiled as Marnie laughed agreeing "Just pisses me off how she uses Char and Charlotte doesn't seem to notice. I have stuck up for that girl everytime Holly has took shit out on her but she never learns and I just give up in the end" I sighed.

After god knows how many hours of discussion lied in the sun and Holly and Charlotte moping around depressed, The lads finally returned "How did it go" I asked pulling my shades down slightly "It was sound" Scott grinned as I digged him in the shoulder "Don't rub it in" I frowned sticking my bottom lip out. Eventually all the girls went up to get ready to go out except for me "Right before I get ready what's happening?" I asked sitting with my legs crossed in between all the lads, They all looked at Kyle and he sighed "I want to break it off" He frowned "When" I urged him to continue "Tonight, but don't mention it to any of the girls. They will find out soon enough, Just do us a favour and tell Holly to be ready in half an hour and that we going out for a drink just us" He said emotionlessly "Got it, I wont say a word buddy but honestly I think its for the best, Stay strong and were here if you need us" I said gesturing the lads and I "Thanks Kid" He smiled as I hugged him "Good luck" I smiled before rushing upstairs to get ready. I walked into the girls room looking directly at Holly "Hol, Kyle said for you to be ready in half an hour as your going for a drink just the two of ya's" I stated "Okay thanks, what for" She questioned "He didn't say" I Lied as she sighed looking disappointed I felt bad for her as I knew she really loved him and she did piss me off at times but at the end of the day were still all a family "Don't worry just stay strong" I smiled patting her back "Thanks Alex" She smiled back

Holly and Kyle set off already and the rest of us were currently getting in the taxi "Wonder whats gonna happen" Charlotte stated "What ever happens, happens. They cant keep arguing because its bringing the whole house down" Garry said "Were supposed to be on holiday for fuck sake" Scott joined in. Once we arrived Everyone was drinking but I didn't want to get too drunk as I knew there would be drama later due to the break up and didn't want to participate in the kick offs tonight. I wasn't in the mood and once im angry everyone in the house knows what im like. "Its Holly" Charlotte stated as Holly stormed into the club With Kyle hot on her tail. "He broke up with me!" Holly said bursting into tears "Hey its gonna be alright" I said as she shook her head crying even more "That bastard!" Charlotte shouted grabbing her drink and marching over to Kyle, throwing it all down him "What the fuck was that for!" Kyle said through gritted teeth "For breaking her heart you prick!" She screamed back. "Not here!" I shouted over the both of them griping Charlotte by the arm with help from Marnie and throwing her into the taxi. It was a long drive home due to Charlottes fucking bitching which only made Holly more emotional about the whole situation "Give it a rest" Chloe sighed holding her head, she was mortal.

We arrived at the house and everyone rushed in after chasing Charlotte and Holly who ran after Kyle "Let the show begin" Marnie laughed as I smirked helping a drunken Chloe onto the sofa as everyone gathered around the kitchen watching intensely at the stated in front of us. Kyle was on one side of the counter shouting with Charlotte and Holly who were screaming on the other. "How could you break her like that!" Char screamed "What so Im supposed to stay in a relationship im not happy in just so Holly doesn't get hurt!" He shouted back "This hurt me aswell yano but we couldn't fix it there was too much damage hence all the arguments!" "Your a Horrible heartless Twat!" Charlotte slurred "I loved you" Holly screamed kicking a chair "Now what has that chair ever done to you" Chloe giggled drunkenly from across the room as I bit my lip along with Marnie containing our laughs. "Think this Is funny do you!" Holly screamed at me and Marnie "Now now don't start something with me that your not prepared for" I frowned "Don't take it out on us" Marnie said standing next to Kyle facing Holly as I was by her side we both looked mad but I didn't want to kick off cause once I do all hell breaks loose and I get fucking psycho not gonna lie "Why are you not mad at him" Holly screamed "1 don't scream at me because I have done fuck all wrong to you so don't you dare speak to me like shit and 2 why should he have to stay with you when he isn't happy. No one should be mad at either of you because this doesn't concern anybody but you two so stop dragging the rest of us into it before I tell you my opinion on your FUCKING RELATIONSHIP!" I shouted back "Charlotte there was no need for you to get involved" Marnie stated "She was upset and its his fault, shes my friend" She answered back "So what? The lads are Kyles mates and they could see he was just as upset as God damn Holly but they didn't get involved did they? This was done so he didn't hurt her more with all the arguing cant you see its draining him" Marnie spat "BULLSHIT" Holly snarled "Your fucking bullshit for dragging everyone else into it" Kyle sighed angrily as the other lads stood besides us eating cake which I found hilarious "Oh your happy I brought them into it because now you have two fucking slags sticking up for you who will willingly give you a shag" Holly shouted at him as Charlotte gasped not saying a word, Immediately Scott and Aron put there hand on my shoulder trying to calm me but it was too late "You fucking cheeky cow!" Marnie Screamed "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE!" I screamed "I HAVE BEEN IN A LOYAL RELLATIONSHIP WITH GARRY AND YOU KNOW IT WHAT I KISSED SCOTTY LAST NIGHT, WHEN IM SINGLE AND NOW IM A SLAG? wow your low you fucking hypocrite! what about your Past eh where you shagged anything with a fucking pulse???" I shouted picking up three plates "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE CALL US SLAGS BECAUSE OUT OF EVERYONE HERE YOUR THE BIGGEST ONE!!" I angrily shouted throwing all three plates at her but they missed by an inch smashing against the wall next to her as she had a hint of fear in her eyes. "Grab the slag before she fucking kills me" She screamed worriedly as Marnie smirked "NO, you brought this on your self and you know how hard she is until she calms down you low piece of shit" she laughed harshly as I ran at holly screaming pushing her to the floor as she cried and screamed for help. I was grabbed by muscular arms I didn't care who it was this bitch needed to be taught a lesson, who the fuck did she think she was callin me a slag! I kicked and shouted at the person until another two people pinned me on the ground "You got fucking lucky!" I shouted still kicking and punching. "I saw Kyle shouting at Holly who was screaming and crying again, Chloe was passed out, Charlotte looked guilty and left Holly as the others stood around me and Marnie was hugging me. "Let it all out" she stated as I turned around kicking the table over and punching several holes in the wall. until I calmed plopping on the sofa head in my hands and screamed until it was all out. the other laughed at me and said how I would of kicked Hollys arse as Marnie was bitching about Holly to Aron and I couldn't blame her, "c'mon lass you can sleep in our room tonight" Aron smiled as Nathan carried me up to their room as Marnie followed on foot, Me and Marns slept on the floor laughing about the situation with the lads before we all lay down to get to sleep "Sorry for ruining your night guys" I sighed stressedly "It made it better" Aron laughed "Don't be sorry she deserved it" Marnie stated as the lads chuckled agreeing before I rolled my eyes regretting losing control so easily before drifting to sleep.

( sorry I haven't updated for a while, I made this chapter longer because of it. Let me know what you think.  -thanks for reading- chlobxo)

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