Draco Malfoy - Secret Admirer

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"Oh no, what happened Hermione?" I sarcastically smirk up at her. She grabs a nearby pillow and throws it at my face. Well, tries too. I grab it before it hits my face and throw it back to her.

"Anyway!" I put up my hand declaring peace. "Shush." I unfold the yellowish paper and flip it over so that the writing was facing Hermione. "Don't read it out loud." I say and hand the paper over to her.

"Ok, done." Hermione says with a bright smile on her face while handing me the paper.

I sigh and throw the letter to the floor. I still have no clue on who this person is!

"I just got an idea!" I yell excitedly.


I smile at the awesome idea I've come up with. "We should make a list and see who would send me this."

"Sure" Hermione says and gets out of bed. She walks over to her desk and grabs a few pieces of parchment, ink and a quill. She closes the window since the owl has left and sits on the chair. "Alright. Name some people."

"Ok, Harry. Ron-" I pause, seeing the death glare Hermione's giving me. "Nothing. Um, Neville, Seamus and Dean. That's it I guess."

"What about Dra-"

"Nope!" I yell out. "Never."


"Alright! MOVING ON! Who else? BESIDES Draco!" Knowing that she was about to say him.

She shrugs making me flop onto the floor in defeat. "What else can we do then?"

"Get food. I'm starving!"

"Good idea. Let's go."

"Wait! Now?"

"Yeah." I shrug. "What's wrong with now?"

She coughs into her hand then looks down. I slowly bring my head down to see I'm still in my cat pajamas. I snap my fingers and point to her "Rightttt. I'll go to my room and change then I'll meet you in the common room. Deal?"

"Yeah, whatever, go." Hermione says and shoves me out the door.

"Hermione! Wait! My stuff's in there!" I shout at the door.

"I'll give it to you later!" She shouts back. I sigh and drop my shoulders in defeat. I walk down the hall and take a left, opening the first door on the right. Looking around I notice my roommates stuff exactly the same as before I left. That's strange. Maybe she had a sleep over as well.

After using the bathroom and changing into some decent clothes, I walk out of the room and walk down to the common room. Seeing as Hermione hasn't reached yet, I plop on one of the couches and grab a nearby book.

After a while I hear the door open and Draco walking in. "Hey, do you know where Sara's room is?"

"Why? Where's Sara?"

"She asked me to grab a few things for her since she's gonna be staying with Pansy for a while."

"Oh." I say kind of disappointed and point him up to her room.

After sitting there and thinking why Sara is hanging with the Slytherins, Hermione comes down and we both walk out to the dining hall.

"Alright. So that list. Are you sure you don't want to add Draco? I mean, he was going up to your room."

"No. Plus, he was only grabbing something for Sara.  Plus plus, he's a slytherin."

"Are you sure you don't have any feelings for him?"

"Why would I?" I timorously ask.

"No reason" Hermione looks at Draco from the corner of her eye and almost squeals. He was looking directly at Grace. But, of course, she wasn't paying attention.

"So back to the list." I say, wanting to get away from the topic of Draco. "We can rule out Harry. And Neville."


"Harry obviously likes Cho and I bet Neville likes someone from Ravenclaw, but I'm not sure."

"True." Hermione agrees, and crosses off their name leaving Seamus and Dean. But secretly, Draco.

Coming back from Potions class, I was wasted. That potion controlled me so much to where I couldn't even walk straight. I kept bumping into people, but all was good because they didn't try to hex me. That's weird though, because not a lot of people like me, so either someone was helping me or those people were actually walls.

I wake up confused on how I got in my bed when I see Hermione reading a letter with raised eyebrows. "Oh my god" she muttered.

"What?" I whisper back.

She whips her head around and plunges the letter under her leg. "Nothing." She says, her smile so bright that I my eyes physically hurt.

"Who was it from?"

"It was from your secret admirer!" She squeaks.

"Then let me read it." I throw my arm out, letting it plop to the bed.

"I can't."

"Why not? It's for me."

"Actually," she twinkles "It's for me."

"Why? Does he like you now?" I ask, a little jealous and sad.

" Fine! Here." Hermione hands over the letter disappointedly because she couldn't keep a secret for long.

To: Hermione
From: Grace's secret admirer

Is Grace felling better? Yesterday she was feeling a little sick so I took her up to her room. I know you saw me and I know that you know that I'm her secret admirer but don't tell anything to Grace. I want her to find out in her own time. I also know that you'll show her this letter so, Grace, I hope you can forgive me for what I have done.

"Oh. So, it's Draco." I whisper bitterly.

"Why don't you like him?" Hermione pleads.

"Because of what he did in first year."

"What did he do?"

Part two will be up shortly. But wow, 1600 words! Probably a new record for me.

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