He didn't answer. She looked around the Wastelands. There was no one to help her. She had to make a decision; and apparently fast. She saw in the distance a small black object zooming towards her, the ship was coming back.

She groaned. "Damn it!" She slid into the hole. She buried her fingertips into the dirt and tried to climb down. There was nothing for her to grab on to.

Her boots scraped against the wall as she tried to find a way to climb down. She found a rock ledge to step on and balance herself. She didn't want to land on Arlo, if she fell.

The ship came flying over again. It seemed slower this time. Alona focused on finding something to use as a ladder.

She found another rock that was sticking out. She grabbed it and lowered herself deeper into the hole.

She could hear the ship coming back. It's whirring engine was growing slightly louder by the second. She assumed they had somehow seen them in the darkness.

As the ship flew over Alona heard a strange exploding sound. A red beam exploded at the edge of the hole. The blast threw her back against the other side of the hole. Her back slammed against the rock. She tasted metal. She saw black, her ears were ringing.

She felt the air whip against her face as she fell down into the deep, black hole.

She slammed onto the ground, the impact knocking her unconscious.


She woke up in her dorm. She was surprised by the change of scenery. Her purple room seemed to smother her in bright happiness, even for a lonely college student.

She felt uncomfortable.

She threw her blanket off. She was dressed in her Star Wars shirt and her Nike joggers.

She hopped off her bed and walked over to her roomate's bed. She jerked the cover down. What she saw made her jump back. Her bed was covered in blood.

She backed away and opened her door. The dorm hallway lights were off.

She stepped out into the hallway.

"Hello?" She called out.

She heard wailing in the distance. The cries chilled her to the bone. Chill bumps crept up her spine. She took a couple more steps down the hallway. The screaming continued.

She glanced back at her dorm. Her roomate was standing in the doorway, she was drenched in blood. Her eyes were solid black, her mouth was pale blue.

Alona turned around to face the girl.

"Meg?" Alona backed slowly away from her.

Meg slowly stumbled forward, her arms were limp at her side.

Alona had played too many video games to know this situation was going to end badly.

Meg tripped over her own feet and slammed into the wall. She pushed herself off and began stumbling towards Alona.

Alona came to her senses and took off down the hallway in a sprint. She dashed around a corner and came face to face with two more black eyes.

She backed away immediately.

A boy from her English class stared her down. His chest was covered in blood.

Alona didn't waste any time she turned and ran. She looked for the stairs.

She turned a corner and unfortunately found Meg again. She was still stumbling down the hallway.

Alona turned and headed in the opposite direction, away from the boy from English and Meg.

She ran and ran. She stopped to catch her breath. This building was not ending. The building grew eerily quiet. The only noises were her footsteps.

Suddenly there were noises behind her. She turned around, afraid of what she would see.

There was a horde of black eyed people covered in thick, black blood. They began screeching and stumbling towards her. They bounced off of each other as they grew closer.

Alona turned back around to run. The hallway to her right was gone. She checked the hallway to the left, it was gone. She was cornered in the dead end.

She pressed her back against the wall.

She realized this was how she would die. Killed by bloody, broken people.

She closed her eyes, accepting her fate.

She thought about her future, the future she didn't have anymore.

She opened her eyes. She wouldn't go down without a fight.

She picked up a chair on her right and threw it at the bloody people.

It took a few down, but they easily got back to their feet. She grabbed the fire extinguisher and unloaded frozen fury on them.

They only stopped for a moment at the white foam.

She held the extinguisher above her head and knocked the closest one in the head. It collapsed to the ground.

She began hitting each one in the head. Some fell to the ground and some staggered back only to come at her again.

They were still moving towards her. Her back was against the wall. She was still knocking heads when Meg stepped forward. She hesitated.

"Meg?" Tears sprung to her eyes. "Please, Meg."

Alona dropped the extinguisher.

Meg opened her mouth, she seemed to growl but no sound came out. She moved her head to Alona's neck. Alona closed her eyes.

This was it. The end.

She felt cold air behind her. An arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back into the coldness.

They fell backwards into open, black air.

She opened her eyes as they fell. It was Arlo. He grabbed her hand as they descended into the darkness. 


Sawyer :)

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