Chapter 14

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(Irene POV)
"We better get going. It's getting late." I picked up a sleeping Meylee and we exited the room. "She looks so peaceful." V put strands of hair behind her ear. "Yeah. It's way past her bedtime." We laughed quietly, not wanting to wake her up. "Ok let's go guys." Rap monster said while the rest came piling out of the room. We got inside the limo and went to my house.

"Bye guys!" I waved and they waved from the slightly open window. I struggled with the keys at first but eventually opened the door. "Oh. Hi Irene." My mom yawned and stretched before picking herself up off the couch. "Shh. Meylee is sleeping." She walked over to me and got her from my arms. "Can you go get a blanket and her pajamas from her bag?" She asked while going upstairs to my room. I went to the couch where the bag was and my phone buzzed.

Tae- Goodnight😴
Irene- Goodnight😴

I brought up the stuff and saw my mom laying her down on my bed. "Help her. I have to do something." She left the room. "Meylee? C'mon wake up..." She groaned while slowly getting up. "Hmm?" She rubbed her eyes with her small fists and yawned. "Let's get you ready for bed." I gave her the pajamas and she changed in the bathroom. "Here. She can't sleep without it." My mom handed me a teddy bear with patches. "But it's all torn up and dirty." I said while putting it on my bedside table. "That doesn't mean it doesn't have meaning. Goodnight." She kissed my forehead and left the room.

"I'm ready ~yawn~ for bed." I laughed and she stretched her arms out while coming into the room dizzily. I carried her and put her on my bed. "Here is your Teddy." She was waving her arms in the air. "His name is Mr. Patches." She said while I handed her the bear. "Goodnight Meylee." I said while laying down on some blankets on the floor. "Irene?" She sat up and looked at me. "Yeah." I said while moving closer to her. "Where's appa?" I frowned. "Umm he went somewhere. Go to sleep." I laid back down and focused my gaze on the picture on top of my desk. "When is he coming back?" She asked while tightly holding onto Mr. Patches. "Soon..."

"Ugh I'm tired." Jin exhaled and went to his room. Almost everyone agreed and went back to their rooms. "Uh Jimin?" "Yeah?" (You got not jams) "Can I talk to you?" Jimin came up to me and we sat on the couch as everyone fell asleep. "Irene's dad has been on a long business trip and I wanted to know if you could help me bring him over here by Christmas Eve." He sat quietly. Answer me Chim-Chim! "Sure. She seems really important to you." My cheek tainted to a bright pink. She does mean a lot to me.

"Well..." He chuckled and interrupted. "We all knew a long time ago. So what's the plan?" Wow. Umm ok. That explains all the looks and 'smart' comments. "I don't know that's why I'm asking you." He rubbed his chin and yawned. "Hmm. Let's think of it tomorrow." Aish. "Hyung!" He was waving his hand in the air while walking upstairs. Oh my ladybug! What do I do? Aigoo. This is too complicated. I went to my room and flopped on my bed. "Taehyung...go to sleep..." Jungkook mumbled while tossing and turning on his side of the room.

I got under the covers and tried to sleep. Maybe I can ask her mom if she can help. I don't know I'll think about it tomorrow. I rested my eyes only to be awakened, a few minutes later. "What is it manager-hyung?" I asked as he asked me to step out of the room into the kitchen. "Umm I know this seems kinda weird and unusual to ask, but...what are you doing Taehyung?" He asked while I was at the sink. "Waking myself up." I splashed water on my face, quickly dried it, and sat down.

"What is it?" I asked while messing with a nearby pen on the table. "We need you chemistry." I gave a questioned look. "You mean like in school? I'm getting a B but I promise I will try to bring up my grade." He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "It's not my best subject," "Taehyung." "Plus the teacher is a real drag. Maybe she doesn't like me," "Taehyung!" "Or she wants to kill ladybug!---" he shouted louder than I expected. "Taehyung! Stop with the nonsense! I mean we need you to date this so called Irene!"

(Author POV)
V grew wide eyed and gasped. He choked on the inhale and coughed. "Here. I knew you would do that." The manager handed him a water bottle and patted his back. He gulped down half of the water. "And.....we need it to happen by...tomorrow." V's eyes grew so wide that they looked as if they were to explode. He spat out the water onto his manager's face.

"Ah. Sorry Manager-hyung." He quickly handed him a cloth and held his head in his wet hands. After he finished drying his face of 'TaeSpit', he stood up and called out the rest of the group members. "Huh? Manager-hyung? What are you doing here?" Jin asked as he rubbed his droopy red eyes. V was still sitting in disbelief. It was already awkward enough since he had this huge crush on her. Now he is being forced to date her, without even knowing a reason. "Oh you told him?" Rap Monster asked as he stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders.

"Wait! You guys knew?! And you didn't tell me?! Aish!" Despite the nonsense he talks when he's tired, he was wide wake and angry. "Sorry hyung." Jungkook said sitting on the couch a few feet away. "Aigoo! Why?!" His manager came and sat down where he was sitting before with everyone surrounding. "Do you like Irene? Yes or no?" He asked. The atmosphere was quiet and awkward. V knew that they already knew, but he was embarrassed to confess.

"Yes or no, Kim Taehyung?!" By the time of his manager's voice, he was growing impatient. Also since it was very late in the night, he was moody. Everyone just wanted to crash into their beds, with comfort of their pillow, and in the safety of their warm blankets. "N-n-ne." He looked down at the floor with his face as red as a tomato. His manager sighed as well as V. "I know you probably feel uncomfortable, but this is only temporary. This is to promote the group." V didn't get it. Usually to promote groups, the last thing they would do is ask one of the members to have a relationship. That would only lead to the possibility of losing fans.

"But wouldn't people be angry?" J-Hope asked as he walked over to V's right side. "Well, it would create gossip. People would talk and we'd be the reason. They'd be focused on you. These fans have power. Many support any dating choice that you guys have. They would have other people love you rather than hate you." He still didn't get it. It was confusing to all of them. They were worried about losing A.R.M.Ys.

"Do I honestly have to Manager-hyung?" V asked while thinking hard. That would result into losing fans, how could it gain fans? Everything was too difficult for him to handle. With the new way of gaining fans, dating Irene, and Irene's dad. "She might get hurt. And it will be because of me." He continued. The members looked at each other along with their manager worriedly. Something was up. "If you want what's best for your group. You have till tomorrow morning to decide." He left the house and left V clueless.

This whole concept was stupid. But Taehyung isn't. He knew something wrong was happening. But what?

Hi pershuns! Sorry if this was kinda stupid😂. I couldn't think of a reason😢. So that's why it seems kinda weird. But don't worry everything will be understandable....later on. It took a week but yah know. It's longer than the others I think. By far it has a lot more words 1416 and counting. Anyway, Don't forget to Vote!


A Nerd and a Jock| k.t (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin