So moments like this were always welcomed. I finally cleared my throat getting their attention.

"I believe we should let Nevaeh speak first, it is her Birthday." The boys and Jenna nodded.

"Yes, Happy Birthday Nevaeh." Ezra piped in. Nevaeh smiled a little.

"Thanks Dad." Was her reply, I knew something was wrong. I would have to ask about that later... For the next few mintues it continued like this with each of the kids telling Ezra something that had happen since the last time he had made contact. That is until Ezra looked at me then to the kids.

"Kids I need to speak with your Mom for a few mintues. Can you give us a moment?" His voice was calm, though it held a bit of worry. With a chorus of goodbyes, all of the children went back downstairs to finish their dinner. Once they did leave I turned to my husband and gave him a worried look.

"Whats wrong?" His shoulders slumped as showed how tired he actually was. I wanted so badly to just be there for him, in actual real life.

"Its getting so diffucult... The Empire is tighting its grip on the Galxey, so many planets are just...." He zoned out for a moment, he couldnt even continue that sentence, so after a moment he looked at me. "Skylee you need to be careful, things are changing rapidly. No one knows what going to happen next." I nodded.

"I know, any word yet?" I asked. For quite a few years now the Empire has been working on some top secret weapon of mass destruction. The only reason I knew was through my connection with the Rebels. Ezra nodded abit.

"Not much, but I heard a few rumors about a mission concerning that." I didnt press futhur, I didnt need to know anymore then that.

It was quiet again, I knew what we had to discuss but I couldnt bring myself to think about it. "Skylee..." Ezra began, I didnt look at him. Instead I looked down at my feet. "We have to make a decision soon, you know it. " I blew out a long breath before I spoke.

"Again, I know. Ezra do you really think Nevaeh is ready? She is still so young..." I trailed off. We had been trying to decide wether or not we should ask Nevaeh about her joining the rebellion with the rest of the crew. But each time we discussed it, I would try and change the subject.

"How old were you when you joined the crew?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. I crossed my arms in a childish manner and mumbled my answer, causing him to chuckle. "And who is to say she will even want to come?" I gave him a blank look at that, he knew she wouldnt stay behind. She had wanted to be a rebel every since we told her.

When Nevaeh was 10 we both sat her down, up until then we hadnt told her why Ezra was gone sometimes. And even then we only told her about Ezra being part of the Rebellion, she had no clue about my affilation, or the fact we were Jedi. Yes.. That was still a secret. Over the last 14 years me, Ezra, and Kanan had kept our true identities as Jedi a secret, even taking on different names while being in public. We had told the boys no more then 2 years after we told Nevaeh, and Jenna still didnt know. None of our children knew of the power they all held within them. I had sheilded their signatures until they were old enough to learn themselves, but young enough not to remember learning how they did. Soon enough hiding my signature became an instinct, it did for all of us.

"Cant we discuss this with her later dear? Please?" I asked, he nodded and gave an almost inaudible sigh. Then a beeping noise, which I knew was a comlink, came on his end of the transmission.

"Duty calls." He told me reluctlently. And as if by command I finally heard the commotion going on downstairs, he we go again.

"Your telling me. Bye dear, I love you. Stay safe." He smiled abit.

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