Chapter 32

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((Rosey's prov.))

I havent left my room for two days. Ever since Devin was killed, i feel dead inside. "I want to hurt whoever hurt my little girl. Im going to kill them and make them suffer." I cry and hug my knees tightly. "Rose? Can you please come out? You must be hungry." Someone says from behind me the door. "I would rather die." I say. "Thats it Rose! I cant take this! I know your sad but what about me?! Im sad to! I miss Devin but crying isnt going to fix anything!" I assume it was Toby. I get up and open the door. It was Toby and he didnt look happy. "We are over. Im breaking up with you Rose." He says and walks off. I stand there. I had a pain in my chest. It hurt so badly. Tears started to run down my face. My body started to feel heavy. I cry loud and fall to the ground. "Kill me! Kill me!!!" I scream. I cry more and Ej runs to me. "Whats wrong Rose?" He asks. I cry more. "Toby left me!! Kill me! Stab me! Make me hurt more!!" I shout. Ej picks me up and walks downstairs. "Lets get u something to eat." He says and walks down the stairs. We reach the kitchen and he sits me in a chair. "What do you want to eat?" He asks. I sit there and stay quiet.

((Toby's prov.))

I felt bad for saying that, i didnt really want to break up with Rose. I really do love her, i just didnt like seeing her like that. I messed up big time. I walk to the kitchen and grab waffles that i saved in the fridge. I walk to the table and see Rose sitting there, she had the most sad and broken look on her face. She looks at me and i could tell she was hurting. "Rose? Come on. What do you want to eat?" I hear Ej ask. Rose didnt say anything, she just looked down. I noticed she was crying. Her tears fell from her face to the table. I sat down next to her and hugged her. "Im sorry." I say. Rose hugz me. "Rose!!" I hear someone shout. I looked at her and she had a scared look on her face. "I h-have to go. I-im s-sorry." She says softly. She kisses my cheek and gets up. "I need to get her back.... i messed up big time."

((Rosey's prov.))

After what happened with Toby, im pretty much done. I dont want to be with anyone else. I got up and walked to my room. I looked in my closet and grabbed a long sleeve black shirt and a dark grey skirt. I put on long black socks, a dark grey bow in my hair and put on a light coat of foundation and mascara. I pick up my knife and jump out my window, i land on my feet and walk off. "Hey Rosa, miss us? We missed you. We loved torturing you and making you suffer." I ignore the voices and keep walking. "Hey dont be mean!!" I walk into the woods and look around. "Puppeteer!? Where are you?" I shout. I sigh and sit down. I close my eyes and try to sleep. I open my eyes again. I couldnt feel my body. I couldnt move my body but i was moving. Whats controlling my body? "Good morning Rose." Someone says. I growl. "This isnt funny! Stop!" I shout. The puppeteer appears infront of me and smiles. "Your my puppet. You dont have to suffer anymore friend." He says. He disappears. I sigh and look around. Soon i lose my sight. All i could see is darkness. "Dont be scared. You wont be hurt anymore. I'll control your body for you. I'll make you not feel pain. You have nothing to worry about. My dearest friend." He says. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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