Chapter 22

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((Rosey's prov.))

I yawn and sit up, stretching. I look at Jay and sigh. I get up and walk to the window. "Jay, where are my clothes?" I ask. He sits up and yawns. "My mom took them. She's going to clean them for you." He says. "Did your mom see me?" I ask. "Yes and my dad wants to talk to you today about you being kidnapped." He explains. I sigh. "Ok but does he know i tried to kill you or killed your neighbor?" I ask. "Nope. I just told him that i saw a guy kill the neighbor and almost kill you." He says. I nod and look out the window. "Rose... What did actually happen to you? You look so different and you dont seem like yourself." He says. "Jay, for the past month i lived with killers. They were nice though, expectly Toby. He was my true love, i loved him and he loved me. I was happy. But now i have nothing, i left Toby and my daughter behind. Well they left me. You wouldnt understand. You never did." I say. "Rose, i want to help you." He says and hugs me. I hug him back then there was a knock on the door. I hide under the bed and the door opens. "Where did she go?" Someone asks. "Im dead. Im dead. Im dead." I take a deep breath and look out from under the bed. I see Jay's dad standing there. "Hello again..." I say quietly and get up. Jay hugs me and i hug him back. "Jay, go help your mom clean the guest room for Rose." His dad says and Jay sigh, lets go of me and walks out. I was now alone with the officer. "So what happened? You've been gone for a month." He says. "I dont want to talk about it. I just want to go home." I say. He nods and walks out. "Follow me, your brother would love to see you." He says. I follow him and he walks me home. He then walks off and leaves me standing infront of my old house. I knock on the door and wait until i see my brother. "Who are you? And what do you want?" He asked. "Alex, its me. Rose." I say and smile. He looks at me then tears run down his face. "I cant believe its you. Everyone said you were dead. You look so different." He says and hugs me. "Im glad i get to see you again." I say. He grabs my wrist and pulls me inside, closing the door. I look at Alex. "What happened to you?" He asks. I sigh and look down. "You know that day about i asked about Laughing Jack, well he kidnapped me and brought me to Slendy's mansion. I lived with Jeff, Ben, Hoodie, Masky, Sally, Ej, Toby, Lj and Slenderman. They are really nice and i fell on love with Toby. I have a daughter too. But now i lost them all. At least im home and safe." I explain. He hugs me. "You look so different. How?" He says. I sigh. "Im a creepypasta now. They tried to make me look different so no one could recognize when im killing people." I say. "You killed people?" He asked and looks at me. "I had to. Its my job, well i enjoy to. Its fun. Plus thats how i got to have my daughter, i killed her brother and now i have her as my own." I say and sigh. He hugs me. "I dont want you to go back. If you do, then im going with you." He says. I smile. "Ok. You can come with me. It would be fun. I just have to find my way back." I say. "I think i know someone that could help us." He says. "Who?" I ask. "Laughing Jack." He responds. I look at him, confused. "He's still alive?" I ask. "Yes. I've been talking to him and he's my friend." He says. I nod and smile. "Ok! Lets get going then! Time to go home!" I shout. Alex smiles and walks to the kitchen.

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