Well there's another no.

7: Does your man do everything he can to please you? (Does he take you for granted?)

Yes No

She sighed. This was not going very well. He didn't really take her for granted... he just never let her win an argument without fighting. He never opened doors. He didn't do anything special...he sometimes tried to please her. Angrily she clicked on no.

8: Does your boyfriend show interest in commitment?

Yes No

Ha that was funny. Commitment. He had the attention span of an ADHD squirrel. Unless it was a soccer game, war, or drinking, he'd get bored. And when he got bored he would walk away. What...if he got bored of her?

She hit no and moved on rather fast.

9: Is your man independent? (Own a house, job, etc.)

Yes No

No job but he did sometimes do stuff for his brother... that counted right? He didn't own the house...Ludwig had vacated it when Eliza moved in, not able to stand the two. Maybe that counted? She just marked yes.

10: Does your boyfriend start fights, ever been jailed?

Yes No

When didn't Gilbert start fights? How many times had she gotten him from the jail? The entire station knew her and him by name!


She went to her result page and was very disappointed.

You and your man seem to have a poor relationship that lacks love and respect. Chances are you two will never make it. Pack your bags and run girl.

She stared at the screen. Did a computer just tell her Gilbert and her were doomed?

The door opened and Gil walked in and saw her. "Hallo."

She moved her computer and sat there quietly and he frowned and walked over.

"Is something wrong?"

"No..." she said quietly

He sat down next to her and looked at with intent eyes. "Don't lie to me."

She didn't know why this stupid online test bothered her so much. Maybe it just was the fact she never asked those questions to herself and evaluate Gil.

She handed him the computer and he looked at the screen.

"So... this is bothering you?" he asked

Eliza nodded.

He burst out laughing "Oh come on! You're going to let a stupid online test say if we're good together?"

She bit her lip and softly said "You...aren't a gentleman. You don't open doors...you don't respect my ideas. You don't respect personal space and we're only equal because I hit you! There's violence between us, you take me for granted you're not romantic. You aren't independent, you don't commit, and you get in fights and get arrested!"

He was quiet for a moment and slowly began to say.

"I am not Roderich. I'm not the sweet romantic gentleman that doesn't get in fights. I'm me. I have always been. I fight. I drink. I flirt. I get arrested. That's how I am...that's how I stay. I challenge you...I don't just give in. That's why we fight. That's what makes us equal. We fight, someone wins. I don't always win, neither do you. I don't take you for granted...You attack me with a cast iron frying pan, but even drunk...have I ever hit you? I don't commit? I raised my little brother...that was a commitment. I've dated you for almost two years...never cheated once. That's...that's pretty committed. I'm independent. I run this house don't I? I'm not on anyone's leash...yeah, I'm not perfect. But...you know that."

She sighed. Well everything he said was true. What does the damn computer know anyway?

He was sitting there silently waiting for her to react. Eliza shifted and hugged him tightly, burying her face in his chest, relaxing when his arms wrapped around her.

"Are...you all good now?" he asked in a few minutes

She smiled slightly though he couldn't see it.

"Well you failed that quiz...but you pass mine."

He grinned "As long as pancakes aren't in the quiz, you get a 100% on mine."

Rolling her eyes she stayed hugging him, happy in content in her man's arms.

There aren't a lot of q words that's are easy to write something off...

AND MY GOD THAT PANCAKE THING IS SERIOUS!!! Mix before water. It is an unwritten law.

Yeah... So, how did you like that?

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