1D Drama

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Harry's POV

I started feeling a bit better when they gave me fluids, but my stomach hurt SO bad. I felt like I was being stabbed and they kept twisting the knife. It was awful. I worried about Louis; so I called Niall. Niall told me Louis was going to be fine and is going to wake up in an hour or so. The nurse came back in right after I finished the call and she could see the amount of pain I was in. She took out a shot and slowly injected me with it. I felt very sick for a couple of minutes then dosed off to sleep.

Niall's POV

I hate lying to Harry, but he has so much more to think about. I feel back about leaving him and I hope he isn't mad. I hope Louis will be okay. They told me he might never wake up, but they said I could go see him.

I walk into the dark room and I see the monitor that is recording his vitals. I walk toward the bed to see Louis's frail body lying motionless on the bed. My heart sank, I knew this was bad. My uncle died soon after a crash similar to Louis's. I felt tears and I let them come. No way was I about to let Louis did the same way my uncle did. I know he'll pull through and faith is all you need, right?

Perrie's POV

Liam and I were talking when I hear noises coming from Harry's room. I ran into his room to see him reaching for the remote.

"Why do you need it?"

"Niall texted, there is news about us," Harry says.

I grab the remote and turn on the TV. A picture of Zayn appeared as it turned on. Liam came in hearing the bad name. The reported spoke with no emotion.

"Zayn Malik has been hospitalized four times in the past two months. Perrie Edwards told us that he was appendicitis and he will be healthy soon. In other news is Harry Styles the new dead man; more on this after this commercial break."

I looked at Harry who looked up at the TV almost crying. I knew something was up. This wasn't about the news reporters; this was about Louis. I knew Harry would be fine, but I worry about him. The news came back and we all turn our attention back to the TV.

"Shocking news, Niall Horan just told us that One Direction might need a new member. Louis Tomlinson was in a bad car crash on his way to LAX. Eleanor was called to tell her why he didn't show up. Niall told us that he is in critical condition and that they don't know if he'll survive. Next up our Zayn and Perrie headed the same way as Liam and Danielle. Find out the details after the weather report."

I wanted to turn the TV off, but I wanted to hear what they were going to say. I turned to Harry, who I know wants to break down in tears, but doesn't want too. He looks sicker than ever and he didn't know how bad Louis's condition was. This was not the time to tell him.

"We're back on the Hollywood Buzz; Perrie Edwards was caught hugging and kissing other 1D member Louis Tomlinson at his flat. Louis tweet about ten minutes before the accident.

I apologize to Zayn. I couldn't help myself. Perrie is yours and I shouldn't have kissed her.

Soon after Zayn tweeted

It is fine. Perrie is not mine to keep, but to care for and cherish. I hope you two will be happy and that I love you both.

Eleanor Calder, Louis's girlfriend got in on the conversation not 10 minutes after Louis's accident.

Louis is funny, loveable, and compassionate; I never knew that cheater would be added on to that list.

This just in Harry Styles just tweeted

This is all a misunderstanding. Louis loves Eleanor as much as Perrie loves Zayn. He was really distraught about previous events. I think Louis will pull through and who I am is none of your business. Zayn is very sick and will hopefully be back for our recording dates in a few weeks.

We will be back to the 1D drama after the X Factor news."

We sat there for a while in utter shock. None of us knew what is going to happen next.

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