Chapter 22 - Nerdy Nerds

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After that I walked to the wall opposite the original TOMS, that had shoes like the blue ones I always wore. I’d gotten off-brand because I was in love with the style, but I wanted an actual pair. However, I was hesitant, not wanting to get too much, considering the boys had said they were paying.

Niall walked up beside me, sensing my hesitance. “You should get them.” He commented. “They fit your personality.”

“How?” I asked, looking down at my pair that were scratched and dirty.

“They’re sort of a mix of different styles.” He said, and I was slightly surprised at how well-practiced he sounded when talking about shoes. “They look a bit vintage, but modern at the same time. They’re not just one thing; they’re a bunch of things smashed together to create something greater than any of its parts.”

He smiled knowingly, and I met his gaze.

“Are we still talking about  shoes?” I asked, the corner of my mouth twitching up into a smile.

Niall shrugged, beaming widely, showing off his braces, before walking over to the other lads again.

I bit back a smile, feeling my chest fill with happiness. I really did have the best friends in the world

Grabbing the navy blue shoes that resembled the ones I was wearing, I sauntered over to the boys, handing over the pairs of shoes which they paid for before we left the store.

“Where now?” Harry inquired.

“I know.” I said, grabbing his arm in my right hand, and Liam’s arm in the other, Niall and Zayn walking behind us as I led them through the winding hallways of the near-empty mall until I found my favorite store.

“What’s Hot Topic?” Liam asked me when we were about to go in.

I glanced over at Zayn to find him smiling widely.

“I think Zaynie over here knows what it is because he’s more into nerdy things and pop culture then the rest of you.” I said, entwining our elbows. “Why don’t you three sit down while we go in? You’ve been walking for awhile, and I don’t think you’ll have much fun geek shopping with me.”

They agreed, knowing I was right about them being tired. Carrying all the bags we’d gotten, they made their way across the open floor to a few benches outside of a cell phone store.

“Sorry for dragging you into this.” I said to Zayn as I pushed open the door to Hot Topic.

“Are you kidding me?” He replied, smiling. I noticed he had some stubble popping up on his chin. “I love this place.”

I sighed contently, grinning, before glancing around the room, my eyes falling on a Doctor Who display that immediately caught my attention.

I pulled Zayn across the store to where I saw it and examined an 11th Doctor model sonic screwdriver.

“Are you a Whovian?” I asked Zayn, noticing him staring at a Dalek paper weight.

“Definitely.” He chuckled, brown eyes grazing over a Cyberman action figure. “But Harry makes fun of me for it.”

“Psh.” I nudged him in the side. “That’s Harry’s loss, because Doctor Who is one of the greatest shows in the entire world.”

“I know.” Zayn replied with a smirk. “Who’s your favorite Doctor?”

“Tennant.” I said. “I love Matt Smith, but I just think that Tenny was a better Doctor.”

“Agreed.” I high-fived Zayn for that.

“Oh my god.” I gasped.


“Look at this.” I pointed to a shirt with every Doctor over the years on it, which led Zayn and I into a conversation about the wonderful creatures from Classic Who episodes.

By the time we had raided the rest of the Doctor Who stuff (I found a bunch more socks like the Dalek ones I’d gotten the day before) and went through the Adventure Time area(which I was slightly surprised to find out Zayn loved as much as I did) and basically the rest of the store, we set our huge pile of stuff on the counter.

I’d talked Zayn into getting a 10th model sonic screwdriver like I was, and he also got a shirt with the TARDIS on it. I got the shirt with all of the Doctors on it, and another shirt with David Tennant that said “Allons-y Alonzo”. We’d gotten a bunch of other things too, like a Nirvana shirt for Zayn, and a “Keep Calm and Call Batman” bracelet that I fell in love with.

“Will this be all?” The cute, pink-haired girl at the counter giggle.

“Just a second.” I said, rushing over to a t-shirt display, grabbing one that I’d had my eye on, and running back over. “Yep, this is all.”

Zayn started laughing when the girl held up my final purchase to fold and bag it with our other stuff.

“What?!” I said with a fake defensive tone, refusing to be embarrassed by the One Direction shirt with a picture of them riding bikes that said “Take Me Home” on it as we walked out of Hot Topic. “Just because I’m friends with you guys does not mean I’m going to stop being a hardcore Directioner fangirl.”

He continued to chuckle at me as we wandered over to the boys who were on their phones.

“It’s time to go.” Liam said, looking up at me. “Although before we leave...”

“Yes?” I inquired, raising an eyebrow. I could tell he knew what he was going to say wouldn’t make me very happy.

“You have to put the dress and shoes on and get ready before we go home.”

“What?! What do I even have to get ready for?!” I exclaimed, but no one answered me as Harry shoved the bags with the clothes at me.

“What about my hair and-” Zayn cut me off, handing me my makeup and hair bag, pushing me in the direction of the mall bathrooms.

“I swear, I will get you back for this.” I mumbled under my breath, trudging towards the lady’s room.

There better be a good explanation for why the girls were keeping me out of the house.


A/N: Okay, I totally nerded out on this chapter, lol :P I put a song on the sidebar by a Timelord rock group called Chameleon Circuit, that includes two of my favorite people ever, Charlie McDonnell and Alex Day, so check it out! :)

Any other Whovians out there? if you are, comment your favorite doctor :P Mine's Tennant, altough Matt Smith is also very wonderful ;)

~Grace xx

P.S. Remember...

Don't blink.

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