25. Not a option

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We pulled up to Mason's house when he texted me.

"Dame you two got here fast, we need ten minutes."

I looked at Logan and before he could grab the door nob I grabbed him. He looked at me confused and I smiled at him.

"Hey." I said smile.

"What?" He said looking at my hands holding him.

I had to think of something to say. I'm not sure what they are planing for him but I have to help.

"I don't have panties on." I said thinking of the only thing.

"So, no one is going to be looking. You'll be fine." He said pulling from me.

Dame it I had to try something else.

"Can I suck your dick?" I said quickly.

He stopped and looked at me. That's not something I wanted to say but it got him to stop.

"What?" He said slightly confused.

"Umm yeah, I never did it before and I wanted you to be my first." I said smiling.

He looked me up and down stopping on my face.

"What are you hiding?" He said coming closer.

"Nothing." I said innocently.

I moved to him rubbing my hand over his crouch. He tried to move my hand but I did it harder.

"No, you can't." He said squeezing my hand.

I pulled away and hit his shoulder.

"Come on, you already have a erection." I reached for him again but he moved my hand away.

He got out the car and I quickly followed him. He walked around and I stopped in front of him. He moved left and so did I.

"What's going on?" He said smiling behind me.

"Nothing, when did you two get back together?" David said.

"We never really broke up." Logan said.

David stood next to Logan but he kept looking at me.

"What's going on with you two? Did you just notice that Logan is ugly?" David said smiling.

I looked at my phone seeing Mason text saying he just need a few minutes.

"No, I'm just wanted to suck Logan dick." I said loud.

David started to laugh followed by the sound of Leanna's laugher. She wrapped her arm around my neck.

"Maybe it's to small to fit in your mouth." Leanna said.

David laughed walking to her. He rub her baby bump that was big now. I turned watching them walk away. My birthday was in two weeks and looking at those together made me think. They have problems but they work through them. Maybe there love is young and stupid but they don't care.

I wanted what they have all my life and now that I have it I'm pushing it away. Maybe me loving Logan is crazy but I still do love him. He's mine and living without him just isn't a option for me. I'm going to show him how much I truly do love him.

"Can I go in the house now?" Logan said hugging me from behind.

"Yeah, I need to run to the store." I said turning to face him.

"Okay let's go." He started for the car but I grabbed him.

"No, just go in I'll be right back." He nodded and handed me the keys.

He gave me a quick kiss and I headed for the car.


I was just outside of Mason's house with my gift in hand. I stepped our walking to the house.

"Violet." A voice said behind me.

I turned seeing George behind me. I took a step back from him.

"I'm not going to hurt you I just need to talk with you." He said sadly.

"Talk fast." I said back.

He moved to me and I stepped back again.

"Violet I still love you, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I broke up with you thinking I wanted to explore, date other girls but I still love just you. Take me back please." He said almost crying.

I took a deep breath looking up at the moon.

"George I love you too." I said looking at him.

He smiled walking to me but I put a hand up stopping him.

"I love you but I'm no longer in love with you. I've moved on and I'm happy with my life now. I can't take you back because I'm in love with someone else." I said stepping away from him.

He gave me a look that I didn't trust. He didn't say anything just turned and started walking down the road.

"Who was that?" Sheave said walking out the house.

"Bad news." I said turning to her.

"Oh, maybe you should talk to Logan about it." She said tying back her long silk black hair.

"I will but not tonight, let's go in." I said wrapping my arm around her waist.

She smiled at me doing the same we walked up the stairs pushing the door open. Jessica and Leanna walked over to us as soon as we walked in. Sheave moved her and looked at me.

"No panties?" She said making the other two laugh.

"5 months is a long time Sheave she need to be ready at all times." Jessica said.

"No, they had to have fucked in the car earlier. Vi was begging to suck his dick." Leanna said.

"All of you shut up, I need you help with something really important." The three moved in closer to me listening.

"What is it?" Jessica asked already excited.

"What going on over here?" David said walking to us.

He wrapped his arms around Sheave and Jessica but looked at Leanna.

"None of your business." I said to him.

"Oh I get it, you four are looking for a five way. Alright everybody go upstairs get naked, I'll be up in 10 minutes." He said laughing.

Leanna laughed out to making him walk to her. No wonder the girl was pregnant David honer then a dog in heat. She whispered something to him making his eyes go dark and his smiled turned into a smirk.

"Alright then." He said looking at her his eyes full of lust.

"For right now go away." She said to him.

He started walking slowly not being able to take his eyes off her.

"David, don't tell Logan that I'm here." I said to him.

He didn't hear me because he didn't look at me or answer me.

"Don't tell Logan that Violet is here." Leanna said and he nodded finally walking away.

"Okay since that almost porno is over, what's going on?" Sheave said.

"Alright this has to go just right." They all smiled at me and I smiled back.

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